Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


October 31, 2018

A Gluten Free Luxury Travel BlogI Love to Travel

Weight: 95.3 kgs

“Friends – they spend years trying to find you a boyfriend, but the moment you get one, they instantly tell you to dump him!” – Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason – Helen Fielding


My Life Goal, ze Weight

A slight little weight loss this week…nothing to really write home about…but I have told my mum!  One of the ladies at work has given me a 28 day hormone eating plan to try out and I’ve stuck to it all week…I actually feel a lot better but I did board the train to weepy town during the week…hormones…they suck!

Shake Your Booty

I’ve done pilates a few times this week and taken a lovely walk in the sunshine this morning…today was just glorious outside.

Bloggy Stuff

Tomorrow is the 1st of November hence it’s Travel Link Up time…the theme is “My Favourite Things”…anything goes…so come and join the link up.

It’s being all a bit boring this week due to work and I can’t tell you how much I love the fact that I have an empty diary this weekend and the next…sleep!

Come Back Summer

I love sunshine…it makes it so easy to get out of bed in the mornings.  This year I’ve decided not to suffer from SAD like I do every autumn / winter in the UK, so I  bought myself a wake up light from Argos and oh my goodness…it’s money well spent…just buy one.  I had a morning this week where I forgot to turn it on and I was useless for the whole day.


Instagram #FollowFriday

My #FollowFriday shout out this week on Instagram was to @parisianfloors; if you love the @Ihavethisthingwithfloors account then you’ll love this account.  I actually think the Parisian Floors account is way better…he even tells you where the pic was taken…perfect for your next trip to Paris!


So what’s all your gossip?!


If you liked this post on Kelly Michelle’s Diary Week 43 then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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