May 17, 2013

July 2019: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…well wasn’t July an interesting month!

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

July was a bit of a quiet month which was a good thing for various reasons (you’ll see why below!)…we did venture down to Taihape for a weekend…

July 2019: Life Update

July 2019: Life Update

…and found a great second hand shop filled with so many treasures…

July 2019: Life Update

…and I just love the drive through the Central Plateau in the North Island, my favourite spot in the New Zealand…

July 2019: Life Update

…nothing beats this stretch of road on a clear day after a dusting of snow.

July 2019: Life Update

We popped down South for a special birthday…

July 2019: Life Update

…giggles in the photo booth.

July 2019: Life Update

July 2019: Life Update

July 2019: Life Update

July 2019: Life Update

I’ve started to sand back my Ercol mid century furniture that I shipped over from the UK on the weekend as wanted to be outside in the fresh air…

July 2019: Life Update

…it’s a slow process but am finding the process rather relaxing…this was at the beginning of my sanding endeavour.

Oh yeah….mama managed to get herself stuck in the back of my car…

July 2019: Life Update

…it was well worth a giggle or two!

July 2019: Life Update

I read a book this week which had one of the best sentences ever…

July 2019: Life Update

….Contentment just doesn’t sell!  Isn’t that the truth!

New Zealand Life

Okay…these Auckland winters are blowing my mind…

July 2019: Life Update

…while folks are wrapped up in jackets, I’m wearing a t-shirt on the way home.  15 years of UK winters and I think I’ve hardened up…well a bit anywhoo.

July 2019: Life Update

^^The kowhai tree is starting to flower!

I’ve spent the month also learning the ins and outs of the NZ public health system…it was frustrating at times but things are moving quicker than the NHS so I’m not complaining.


Not as much as I really wanted…had to let my body rest.

Health Update

I ended up in hospital…me and my panda eyes…I was having a good hair day…no awful hospital bed hair…plus great skin (thank you iv drip!)…

July 2019: Life Update

…nil by mouth for almost 24 hours and I was desperate for sushi (Kiwis are obsessed with sushi! thank you mama for bringing me sushi)…so I have a fibroid again (a non cancerous tumour) on the back of my tilted uterus and it’s pushing on my bowel so was hospitalised as I’m in a lot of pain, suffering from nausea and struggling to eat a full meal.

July 2019: Life Update

^^Photos from our Whats App family tribe group…Pappy was down in Christchurch

Mama would like to apologise to the person on the other end of the gate intercom…she couldn’t hear them and may have shouted at them a few times…along the line of “for fucks sake”…she would like to apologise as she couldn’t hear you!

My GP was treating me for diverticulitis for a week before I was hospitalised at Middlemore…it wasn’t diverticulitis and there was a fear that it could be something to do with the familial disease so I was sent through to the Surgical Assessment Unit and prepped for surgery…Middlemore Hospital has a bad reputation but overall I had a really good experience and was pre-cleared by the doctors so didn’t have to wait for 6 hours in A&E.

July 2019: Life Update

After taking a week off work due to exhaustion, I’m back at work but find it all a bit tiring and painful in the lower back…desperately wanting a holiday in the sunshine with the sea…a float in the sea would be good right about now.  If only someone would win lotto!

Why did I share photos of my time in hospital…because it’s life and this is what happens…no unicorns here, just reality of life!

I do have private medical insurance however all my pre-exisiting conditions are not covered for three years and I pay $175 per month for the pleasure…just be aware of this if you move overseas and think about dropping your health insurance; coming back home to New Zealand, well no pre-existing condition is covered and you have to stand down for 3 years with most insurance companies.

I’m not covered for any cancer for three years due to the SPS diagnosis.

Plans for August

No plans as such apart from a number of hospital appointments starting with a colonoscopy…it’s hard to make plans at the moment.

So that was July 2019…over and out!


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