January 12, 2015

City Break to Marseille, France {Take Deux}

I’m not one to revisit a city (there are exceptions; Paris, Athens, Rome, Venice Berlin…), okay well maybe I do revisit a lot of cities.  So armed with a two night hotel voucher we headed back for a City Break to Marseille in France.


Our hotel for the weekend was the Intercontinental Marseille Hotel Dieu which I would recommend – the views from the terrace rooms are incredible and are worth the extra money.


As this was our second visit to Marseille we had managed to get all the touristy things out of the way on our first visit (which you can read more about here) so we spent the weekend relaxing and wandering.

While G was fast asleep on the terrace, I took this as my opportunity to hit the shops however I was to stumble onto something even greater – the Christmas Market in Marseille!  It wasn’t the best market ever however it got me into the festive spirit…


and then there were the little fake snow covered christmas trees.  They were so ugly that I wanted to buy one!


One of my favourite areas in Marseille is the Vieux Port as I love the hustle and bustle of the fresh fish market while the little boats bob away in the background.  It’s a must do if in Marseille!


Now there is a general rule in our household, never come back empty handed from shopping so when in France…I bought myself a macaroon and G two lust worthy cakes.


I like to partake in a cuppa now and then so we headed back to our favourite little spot from our last visit in Marseille; Cup of Tea (it has the best view in Marseille and is super close to the hotel).


After G had spent the first day of our city break sleeping (the French fresh air knocked the Englishman out for six), I dragged him out for some shopping.  While I was checking our Max Mara, G was purchasing door handles (we’re super rock ‘n’ roll folks) and while I waited I took some photos of the beautiful pastel buildings and a rather playful Lion.


We wandered around the streets of Marseille so I could photograph the pretty shutters and gorgeous balconies (something I didn’t notice the first time around)…


…and one last one!


I had being rather lucky to get us booked into the spa on Sunday at the Intercontinental Hotel however if I hadn’t had any luck then La Bastide des Bains looked stunning – we popped in and had a nosey.


We continued on our little walking tour with me taking way too many photos of shutters and G carrying a lot of door handles.  How gorgeous is this balcony?  Is there such a thing as balconyporn?


I’m always drawn to the French flag; maybe it’s because I love red but it looks fabulous against the beautiful buildings


This guy reminded me of G slightly…both were very stoned faced when I made the comparison!


One last stop before we jumped into the spa and then our flight back to London – Galeries Lafayette for food.  While I headed straight for the sweet section to buy nibbles, G went for the more practical stuff like a huge tin of olive oil.   Does anyone else love visiting supermarkets in foreign lands – I feel like I’m snooping inside someone’s pantry?


We didn’t do very much on our city break to Marseille; we relaxed, we watched movies, shopped for door handles and spent time in a spa.  Just what the doctor ordered!


So what is your favourite city break destination?


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