Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

10 Guilty Pleasures While Travelling

Hey hey April; I’ve been expecting you along with a blooming lot of chocolate!  This month’s travel link up theme is all about “Guilty Pleasures”, it fits in nicely with Easter we thought; so make sure you come and join the link up with Emma, Rebecca and our co-host Polly from Follow Your Sunshine.  So here are my  10 Guilty Pleasures While Travelling…


Afternoon Tea 

This one shouldn’t come as a big surprise to most people but I do partake in this English pastime in most foreign countries that I visit.  I like to think that Afternoon Tea is slightly more luxurious than eating fish and chips with beans abroad.


More Cake less Dinner

I don’t really have a lot of dinner recommendations on the blog in my city break posts and this is mainly due to me eating a lot of cake during the day so when it comes to dinner I’m not fussed.  Greens vs Sugar – I’m the sugar monster!  Need cake recommendations I’m your gal, dinner recommendations you need to use google.  I ate all these in one weekend in Vienna and then wrote my first Gluttons Guide post!


Room Service

So when I do fancy dinner and can’t be bothered with the struggle of finding somewhere that will serve gluten free options; I order Room Service.   There is something quite pleasurable about eating dinner in bed in your pjs while watching tv when on holiday.

Movie Days

Oh yeah Movie Days; on our last visit to Marseille we spent almost the whole day in bed watching Movies.  Yes we could have done this at home but we decided to do it inside a 5 star hotel in France instead.  We did leave the hotel and G ended up buying door handles while I checked out Max Mara.


I’m going to say it; sometimes I prefer to go shopping first before going sight seeing – judge away!  There is a method to my madness as in Europe most of the shops don’t open on a Sunday but the tourist attractions are; all that sugar hasn’t killed off all the brain cells just yet.  I’m always looking for my next pair of shoes to add to my shoe room and shoes are classed as souvenirs.


The Golden Arches

I’ve visited over 50+ countries and I think I can safely say I’ve visited McD’s in most of these countries.  Let’s be all honest here, it’s the cheapest place to buy a cold drink close to a tourist attraction plus Diet Coke always tastes better from McD’s; some even serve beer!  The free wifi, toilets and air conditioning are a winner (escaping the heat in Tel Aviv a few years back with my family ; why the grumpy face daddy?).  My favourite view in Luxor is from McDonald’s, sad but true.


Business Class flights

I love flying Business Class; the extra legroom and the gluten free meals! (the reason why G forces me to fly business class is that I get a gluten free meal hence he doesn’t have to deal with my tears when I’m trapped airside in a airport with no gluten free food options!  Trust me, it’s not a pretty sight when I start to cry…we’ve flown business class ever since the Luxembourg airport incident).


The Luxembourg Airport Incident – this is where I couldn’t find any gluten free options airside apart from a Greek Salad which contained onions (I’m hugely intolerant), cucumber and olives (I hate both of them) and all the crisps contained gluten but there were chocolate bars – I didn’t want chocolate, I wanted savoury.  G was flying business and I was in Economy (he decided to upgrade at the airport); there were tears as I was really really really hungry and we hadn’t eaten before heading to the airport as G wasn’t hungry.  The armed guards were looking at me as I had my gluten free melt down where I turn bright pink and the tears just won’t stop (G is trying to stop me crying by being nice; seriously why don’t they understand that when you’re upset you need them to be an a*** rather than being nice as that just makes you cry more).  G comes back with a bag full of meringues – I wanted savoury.  More tears…we board the flight and as I’m in economy short haul there isn’t a gluten free meal.  G looks back at me from business to see me eating the meringues giving him a look of daggers while covered in meringue crumbs – G asks the cabin crew to pass back his bottle of champagne to me which they do and they offer me a glass; I decline the glass and drink straight out of the bottle.  This is the Luxembourg Airport incident and the reason why G never lets me fly economy – it’s for his own health and safety.

Fridge Magnets

I love a tacky fridge magnet, the tackier the better!

Taking photos of Tourists

Oh yeah, the selfie means tourists are getting more creative with how they pose in front of tourist attractions and I love catching them in the act…

Afternoon Nap Time

Does anyone else like having a cat nap while on holiday….I’m guilty as charged for having an afternoon nap even when I’m pushed for time.

Happy Easter to everyone and I hope you plan to eat as much chocolate as humanly possible – Lisa and I learnt from a young age never to lose sight of our easter eggs as daddy would always pinch ours!  Something I’m still practising to this day…


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