Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

A Day Trip From Strasbourg Along the Alsace Wine Route

As you all know, I’m not the most organised traveller in the world and I find comfort in knowing that I’ll be checking into a hotel with a concierge that will sort my travel life out for me.  The Sofitel Strasbourg had a fabulous concierge whom booked me on a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route.  I had tried to find one myself however they were either all sold out or you needed to book for two people.

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

I was booked on an Alsascope Tour which strangely hadn’t popped up in my search results when I googled the hell out of Day Trips from Strasbourg!  Alsascope offers small group minibus tours so there is normally no more than 8 people on each tour and on mine there was only 4 so it doesn’t feel like you’re getting herded around by someone waving an umbrella.

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

The Alsace Wine Route isn’t that far from Strasbourg so we hit our first little village rather early so I could watch all the lovely people walking around carrying bread…oh so French!  Rosheim is rather gorgeous don’t you think…and the stork is the regions emblem.

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

We stopped off to check out a church which had a beggar sitting on the roof…as you do.

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

We carried onto Barr which was just so cutesy pie that I wanted to smother the town in cuddles and never leave…I love villages and towns that resemble something out of a fairytale…I was waiting for my Prince Charming to arrive on his shiny white horse but obviously he was busy pruning vines somewhere…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…so so cute!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

Our next stop was to try some wine…wine when you already have a splitting headache is never a good idea…especially before 11am…but I did manage to take four little sips for research purposes.

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

^^You can take the Kiwi out of New Zealand but you can’t convert her from New Zealand Wine…sorry France!  Champagne on the other hand…whole different story!

We stopped quickly to peek at the forbidden village…so many tourists have descended upon this little place in the past that they’ve made the village private now…I took a snap or two..secret squirrel like!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

Toddling along the Alsace Wine Route…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…we stopped off to visit a chubby little monk…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…overlooking the vines!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

Needing something to soak up all that wine, we descended upon Obernai for lunch.  I wasn’t looking forward to spending a few hours at this town as the Pinterest results didn’t ping up very many cute photos but I may have judged Obernai too early as it was rather pretty (yes I now use Pinterest to give me ideas on where to visit when booking a trip, it’s better than Google Search!).

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

I did eat cake to soak up the wine…you can read my Gluttons Guide to Eating Gluten Free in Strasbourg and along the Alsace Wine Route here.

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

There’s a whole cobbled lined street full of restaurants trying to tempt you in..

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…churches to pop inside to escape the cold…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…new friends to be made…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…pretty photo opportunities at every turn…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…especially thanks to Autumn!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

Refuelled we drove to the tiny village of Itterswiller where two feuding families compete each year in a flower competition…it’s like a flower shop has exploded here…it’s very pretty…and of course I forgot to take photos…I got lost in the moment!

As it was Saturday, it was castle day so of course we stopped off to visit Chateau du Haut-Koenigsbourg…try and say this fast three times after drinking wine and with a kiwi accent. You don’t need very long to visit…I wandered around in less than an hour…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…can you imagine the pick up line if you lived at this chateau; do you fancy coming back to my chateau to see my big dragon…why yes I do...(I’m assuming it’s a dragon??!?!)..

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…and then enjoyed the views (unfortunately it was a bit of a misty day and they’d had sleet the day before…it was rather chilly willy!).

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

We stopped for another tipple or four…actually it may have been five…I lost count…my head was fluffy…great sock and shoe combination going on (letting out my inner Ronald McDonald).

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

Continuing our little tiki tour along the Alsace Wine Route, we drove through the cutest little village and towns (and I was screaming please stop at every turn…I want to return as it’s so darn cute and so many photo opportunities…I may have taken over 1000 photos on this tour…well actually I did!).  We stopped off for a wander around Dambach-la-Ville which is gorgeous and pinterest worthy…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…more cuteness complete with a bear fountain…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…but I knew our last stop in Riquewihr was going to my favourite stop of the day!  Firstly they have a Kathe Wolfhart Christmas Shop…I resisted…and only spent 30 euros…I’ve been known to spend A LOT more in their shops…I love Christmas!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

Unfortunately we arrived at dusk so my photos aren’t the greatest but I’ll spam away as Riquewihr is a definite must do along the Alsace Wine Route!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

The brightly coloured timber buildings…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…the rolling hills in the background…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…the shop signs beckoning you inside…

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

…the little restaurant courtyards!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

The Wine Tasting Day Trip from Strasbourg with Alsascope Tours costs 115 euros per person and runs for approximately 9 hours.

Travel Tips for the Alsace Wine Route 

  • You can easily pick up a rental car from Strasbourg Airport and drive along the Alsace Wine Route; it’s not far and it’s an easy journey
  • It’s hard to visit all these places in a day if you’re not on a guided tour
  • Riquewihr is difficult to get too, you would need to travel by local bus (which aren’t reliable) or catch a taxi so a tour is the best bet.
  • I was staying in Strasbourg however there seemed to be many little hotels along the wine route 
  • The Alsace Wine Route would be a lovely alternative to the Romantic Road in Germany and a lot less touristy 
  • The best time to visit is Mid September through to Early October however apparently it looks magical covered in a dusting of snow.

So I think it’s safe to say that I’ve fallen slightly in love with France on this trip so if you have any other suggestions on great regions in France please let me know!

France Travel Inspirationvisiting Strasbourg, France on your next vacation and thinking of doing a little day trip to explore more of France then why not do a day trip from Strasbourg along the Alsace Wine Route sampling beautiful French wines, discovering beautiful little French villages and towns and exploring an old castle plus there are some handy gluten free food tips.  Click the link to read my travel tips for the Alsace Wine Route.

And just because I can…here’s my France Travel Inspiration Pinterest Board.

Follow Kelly Michelle’s board France Travel Inspiration on Pinterest.


If you liked this post on A Day Trip from Strasbourg Along the Alsace Wine Route then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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