May 15, 2013

Gluten Free Brunch at Duck and Waffle

All the cool kids seem to be having brunch at Duck and Waffle at the moment and like a good little sheep that I am, I decided that it was time to join them and try out their gluten free brunch offerings.


Now I’m not good with heights so luckily the lovely bloggers I was brunching with (Emma, Kara, Sam and Mina) were waiting for me in the lobby to take the scary ride up to the 40th floor which is extremely quick (but it’s a VERY long ride if you hate heights; I felt weak in the knees when we got to the top).  



I don’t drink coffee so decided to try out the hot chocolate on our visit instead of my usual cup of tea however I didn’t think the hot chocolate was anything special.  I needed a sugar hit after the ride in the death trap i.e. the elevator.



It’s strange what you start missing when you’re gluten free and waffles were slowly getting to the top of my “I NEED TO EAT THEM NOW” list so I was super keen to try the gluten free waffles at Duck and Waffle.

If you haven’t guessed already I’m more of a Miss Sweetie rather than a Mr Savoury type of person so I went for the Full Elvis once the girls explained to me what PBJ stood for (I hate acronyms and seeing them on a menu just grates me slightly, call me old fashioned but I like things spelled out!  It’s a menu not a blooming 140 character tweet! In this case it stood for Peanut Butter Jelly); anyway I digress back to the waffles.


Here is a close up of the Full Elvis, great ready to drool


Verdict – the waffles were great however I felt like they needed a bigger hit of peanut butter jelly and we did have to order some more cream for the table (kiwi girls have healthy appetites).  I was quite impressed with the size of the waffles so you won’t leave hungry!

And if you’re interested here is a photo of the gluten free Duck and Waffle!



The service was good and the staff were more than happy to chat to us during our brunch date.  The lovely gentleman actually held my hand so I could take the below photos as I didn’t want to get too close to the windows…


It was a pretty grand day when we visited…


..and one lucky last photo looking over London!


And I have to share these smiley happy folks from Duck and Waffle who prepared our brunch


Tile Porn

And make sure you take the obligatory shoe and tile photo before you leave; three guesses to which tootsies are mine!


Would I recommend – yes especially if you’re gluten free and hanging out for gluten free waffles then Duck and Waffle is for you.  The Full Elvis costs £15 and trust me you won’t find gluten free waffles in Brussels – I looked the following weekend!


You can read the reviews from our brunch date here from Emma (gluten free), Kara (gluten loaded) and Mina (gluten loaded).

Have you visited Duck and Waffle for a gluten free brunch date; what did you think?

Square Meal

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