Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


June 1, 2014

My Fish out of Water Travelling Experience

Wow it’s Travel Link Up time again and this month our topic is “my fish out of water travelling experience” which was picked by the lovely Katherine of Lady Loves Cake fame.  Emma, Rebecca and I can’t wait to read all about these experiences, so please link up at the end of the post which is open for the next week.

I thought really hard about this topic and tried to rattle my brains and the one thing that really stood out for me is that every trip that I currently take I feel like a fish out of water.  Why?  Well because I’m gluten free.

Travelling to a foreign land and trying to find something to eat can be an extremely challenging travel experience either due to the language barrier or the country just being a gluten filled hell.  Leaving the comfort of England behind where you know where you can pick up a quick gluten free meal and then depositing yourself into a foreign land where you don’t speak the same language or can’t read the ingredients listing seriously makes you feel like a fish out of water.


Yes there are salads, fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of meat on offer in most places however finding something to eat on the run when we are busy sightseeing can be a nightmare.

Sitting down at a restaurant and asking what is gluten free on a menu does make you feel like the problem child and at times you feel like the staff were wishing you off to another restaurant.  To be fair, I haven’t had too many problems when eating out in restaurants as a lot of places are now very clued up on the gluten free allergy however there are still the odd country (yes I’m pointing a finger at you France!) that are still behind the times but they are getting better.

Saying this, I have had some truly incredible gluten free experiences while travelling where restaurants and people have gone out of their way to provide me with a meal and I write about these on my blog in the hope that I can help out another gluten free traveller when they are travelling abroad.


I’m not having a rant however I do feel for people who travel the world with food intolerances as there is a lot of pre-planning that needs to be done.  Gluten Free blogs are wonderful and can make life easier when travelling; here are a few for Paris, Amsterdam, Italy, London that I would recommend reading.

If you have never met me then I will give you a word of advice – Kelly the Care Bear can very quickly turn into Kelly the Grumpy Bear if she is either Cold, Tired or Hungry.  All three combined and I turn into Kelly the Grizzly Bear and it’s not a pretty sight.  If I’m hungry then you must approach me with caution; if you don’t believe me then you need to talk to G about the Luxembourg Airport incident! He’s now so scarred that we only fly Business Class within Europe which guarantees me a gluten free meal.


All these images are from my previous gluten free travelling posts.  Image 1 – A Gluttons Guide to Eating Gluten Free Cake in Vienna.  Image 2 – one of my fantastic meals at the Intercontinental Hotel in Dusseldorf.  Image 3 – One of my gluten free airline meals.


If you liked this post on My Fish Out of Water Travelling Experience then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+Instagram and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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