Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee

After a romantic drive down part of the Austria’s Romantic Road…we headed off across the border into Germany for 24 hours to visit Berchtesgaden and Konigssee.  I have good memories of staying around this area in 2003 with my family while on our European road trip and again when G and I visited a few years ago.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Leaving the snowy pastures of Austria behind us…we arrived to some more snowy pastures in Germany and our first stop was the pretty village of Berchtesgaden.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

The town is rather compact and had a tiny little Christmas market…

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

…so we just wandered around taking everything in…

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

…this florist got me into a right old pickle…I wanted so many items but left empty handed (this is what happens when you read to many personal finance and decluttering books!)

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

…pretty in pink to make the boys wink…

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

…the town has beautiful painted buildings that are gorgeous.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

^^look at the shadows!

G found me a pair of slippers…

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

…I was VERY tempted!  My ugg slippers just haven’t done the distance for the price point!

Berchtesgaden isn’t that big so you don’t need to spend too much time exploring and we didn’t as G wanted to head to a hotel that we had stayed in many moons again when it was under the Intercontinental branding but now sits with under the Kempinski hotel chain.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

We took a few different routes to get the hotel as there were road works and snow to contend with but eventually we made it to the Hotel Kempinksi Berchtesgaden and the views were just as good as we’d remember them.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

The hotel hasn’t changed much from our last visit, maybe a few different changes here and there and it looks a bit sleeker (sharp edges, darker etc…not necessarily my favourite interiors or original but hey ho!)…unfortunately the service was not as good on this visit but not a surprise really as the Kempinksi hotel chains have never impressed me much…remember that awful gluten free afternoon tea in Berlin.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

^^Me…oh look at all that snow…let’s go and see how deep it is…up to my knees and the snow ends up inside my toasty warm boots…doh…Kelly…doh!   I didn’t learn from this mistake either…I did it again!

We had a cuppa and a piece of cake and then toddled off down to Lake Kongingssee which was where we were spending a night.  G and I had spent a day down at the lake doing a Segway tour a few years back and always said we would return as it was super duper pretty; under a blanket of snow it was breathtakingly gorgeous.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

After checking into our cute little accommodation right at the front of the lake (a hotel I vowed to stay in when we visited the last time…it wasn’t flash but it was cute and original!)…

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

…. we purchased tickets for a boat trip on the lake just as the sun was setting…it was perfect timing bar the three annoying Mean Girls whom we had the misfortune to share the boat trip with (I think G was thinking about jumping off the boat and swimming back…they were THAT bad, THAT loud and gave me a look of move, I want your seat while standing over me…my nana’s evil glare that I’ve inherited plus my wtf face had them moving back towards the front of the boat fast where they continued to take photos for the ‘gram…it’s all for the ‘gram girls…all for the ‘gram while they bitched about their friend who had stayed at the hotel!).  Thankfully the lovely tour guide got on the blower and it quietened them down slightly and we were able to enjoy the views.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

^^The boats are electric!

As we left the dock…we sat back and took in the views over the village on the lakes edge….

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Can you see the reindeers…or maybe they were just deer’s…I can’t remember now?!?

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Lake Königssee is Germany’s cleanest lake and is a beautiful shade of emerald green…we sliced swiftly through the crystal clear waters while admiring the views

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Due to the winter season, the boat trip only visited one stop to the famous church on the lake, St. Bartholomä Church which was stunning.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Unfortunately we couldn’t go inside as they were holding a performance but walking around the church I could hear the beautiful carols…the calmness of the lake and the snowy landscape felt truly serene.

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Ahhhh….Germany, you are still one of my favourite countries in Europe!

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe

Travel Tips for 24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee

Germany Travel Inspiration24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee, a beautiful area of natural beauty in Germany that is well worth a visit on your next vacation to Europe. Plus come and check out the Christmas Market! #germany #berchtesgaden #80pairsofshoes #traveltips #beautifuldestinations #europe


If you liked this post on 24 Hours in Germany: Berchtesgaden & Königssee then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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