Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

Exploring the Delightfully Wobbly Village of Lavenham, Suffolk

If you’ve read this blog for a while you will know a few things about me: I overshare, it takes me a while to blog about things and I love drunk wobbly houses.  So waaaay back in November last year, I jumped in my little Smurf Mobile and headed to the delightfully wobbly village of Lavenham in Suffolk after a number of people told me I would fall head over heels in love with the village…and they were right!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

As soon as I arrived into Lavenham and located the car park I was already onto having my third litter of kittens (see earlier note about oversharing) as there were just so many drunk little wobbly houses to photograph…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

….I may have ended up with RSI from taking way too many photos.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

My first stop was to find a piece of gluten free cake at Munnings Tea Rooms

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…aka the crooked house…how crooked…well this crooked…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…I wasn’t complaining about this gorgeous crooked beast…thankfully all this wobbliness came complete with three gluten free cake options…seriously good wobbliness…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…and a tea cup with my name on it!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

The inside is just as amazing as the outside…I know you want a peek inside!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

After refuelling, I wandered around Lavenham exploring it’s main street and copious amounts of little drunk wobbly houses…are you ready…hold onto your wobbly house britches folks…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


Are you feeling wobbly yet…if not, here’s some wobbly house rooftops!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

Even the local hotel, The Swan at Lavenham is wobbly…and they serve an afternoon tea (which I didn’t try)!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

Lavenham is one of the finest examples of a medieval village in England and I don’t really think it gets any better than this…these half timbered houses just make me want to skip for joy.

And then there are the thatched cottages…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…seriously Lavenham has it all….

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…included a pub with a thatched roof (I’m still giggling at the name of the pub…I’m rather mature)…I was seriously at this point researching house prices so I could move in…gluten free cake, thatched cottages, wobbly houses…I don’t care about the lack of shoe shops…I can get those delivered to my wobbly house door.

Talking of *coughs* doors, there was a pretty good amount of door porn going on in Lavenham as well…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…I will limit myself…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…otherwise you will get RSI from scrolling through a million and one photos again.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

Sorry…just found another door photo that I want to add in…sorrrrrrry…not the one above…the one below!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

Lavenham was gearing up for it’s annual christmas market so the village was sprinkled with christmas trees…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…it did all look rather magical (if I was a good blogger, I would have blogged about this prior to the christmas market however I’m giving you a huge amount of notice before the next christmas market)

Now Lavenham is a must visit if you’re a fan of Harry Potter as it is a Harry Potter Filming location…do you remember this door…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…it’s the family home of Harry Potter in Godric’s Hollow! While I was photographing the said door,  two couples came over and one of the husbands gushed, oh my god its the door from Harry Potter…queue giggles from me and his friends …I love how you don’t have to be a kid to love Harry Potter.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

De Vere House in Lavenham…just in case you get lost and need to ask someone to point you in the right direction.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

The Guildhall was also used however then they did something wonderful with CGI but this is the pretty building that they filmed…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

…I now want to watch my Harry Potter box set…anyone else a HP fan?

I had such a fantastic day exploring Lavenham and I’m not sure why it took me so long to blog about it!  This isn’t part of my 2016 New Year’s Resolution so if you have any other recommendations for Suffolk please send them my way.

On my way home, I had to pop into The Manger…not to give birth though…just to use their loos as I was busting…probably though the excitement of seeing so many wobbly houses in one village!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages. A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.

Travel Tips for Lavenham, Suffolk

  • There’s no train station for Lavenham so it’s best to catch the train to either Bury St Edmunds or Sudbury and then grab a taxi
  • There are no cash machines in the village so make sure you bring enough cash and cards with you
  • The village is pretty flat but would suggest wearing flats.
  • If you’re tall, make sure to duck you head when entering wobbly buildings
  • You can read more about Suffolk on the Visit Suffolk website.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London to Lavenham, Suffolkone of the finest examples of a medieval village in England with cute little timber framed houses and thatched cottages.  A visit to Lavenham is a must for any Harry Potter fan visiting England as the village was used as a filming location. Click the link to read more Lavenham Travel Tips and where to eat the best gluten free food in the village.


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