Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

Gluten Free Afternoon Tea: Brown's Hotel, LondonMy 2017 Review

After spending some time in hospital and an operation fast approaching, I was in need of a much deserved treat so G and I popped down to London to enjoy a gluten free Afternoon Tea at Brown’s Hotel.  This wasn’t my first visit to Brown’s…maybe my fourth or is it my fifth visit, I can’t remember.  I wanted to check that the gluten free Afternoon Tea on offer was just as good as I remembered it as I always recommend the hotel when asked for gluten free recommendations…spoiler alert…it was!

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

Gluten Free Sandwiches

The gluten free sandwiches were served first and let’s just say the Coronation Chicken sarnie was out of this world…it even beat the egg sarnie which is my favourite.  I’m a traditionalist through and through and it was lovely to see the classic fillings served to perfection…the quality was perfect.

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

Gluten Free Scones

You know I love a good gluten free scone and I can say with my hand on my heart that the gluten free scones at Brown’s Hotel passed my scone test with flying colours – they were easy to cut into (you aren’t required to take a chain saw to afternoon tea in your handbag thankfully), they aren’t rock hard…they were light as a feather (so no teeth will be lost!) and they were super yummy.

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

I was provided with a few scones however I couldn’t fit them all in my belly so I had to ask for a doggy bag…hello breakfast the following day!

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

^^^My scones dressed up to the nines!

Gluten Free Pastries

Gluten free pastries can be a bit repetitive with the trusty old macaron and panna cotta making an appearance at almost every gluten free afternoon…what I loved about the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown’s Hotel is the detail that has gone into making this one of the best in London…the variety of pastries on offer were outstanding…hello mini little gluten free cheesecake!

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

The pastries were all divine…not feeling 100%, G had a number of nibbles and he was well impressed with my gluten free offerings.

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

Afternoon Tea for the Gluten Eating Monsters

As G was with me (we ventured into London without killing each other…apparently it was because I wasn’t frog marching him around London…he needs to take bigger strides!)…I have photos of the afternoon tea for the gluten eating monsters out there…G was rather spoilt as he didn’t have to share the stand with anyone else.

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

^^^My reflexes were a tad to slow so G had already munched through a few sarnies before I managed to snap a photo or two.

The very delicious looking scones and pastries…

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog

…and we didn’t have to share clotted cream or jam which is fabulous due to cross contamination…I don’t like sharing my jam…I’m always asking for more jam before I’ve even started cutting into my scones.


I cheated and went for a peppermint tea *coughs* I was trying to be healthy…balancing out all that sugar.

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog


The Tea Room is gorgeous; it was all dressed up for the Chelsea Garden Show with blooming flowers everywhere…we enjoyed the comfy high back chairs and the soft sounds of the piano.


The service is 5 star as you would expect with lots of friendly chit chat however I did have to pour my own cup of tea on occasion…I know that sounds snobby however I do expect silver service for the price point they are charging.

We made the journey down to London as G and I both enjoy the tea that Brown’s Hotel use which you can buy however you can only buy in the hotel now…not online…yes they had plenty on stock a few days beforehand when I checked and they wouldn’t run out…famous last words…on our arrival they had sold out <insert eye roll>…so I’m sure we will be visiting again some time in the future!

Would I recommend the Gluten Free Afternoon Tea at Brown’s Hotel, London – totally and it’s still in my top 5 places in London to visit for a gluten free afternoon.  A tad expensive however you are paying for a great quality afternoon tea and there are refills on offer as well – Afternoon Tea at Brown’s Hotel starts at £55 per person and can be booked via this link.

London Travel InspirationThinking of heading to London on your next vacation and wanting to eat a yummy afternoon tea. Why not read my review of the gluten free afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel, London; one of London's most luxurious and historical hotels...warning the images will make you drool! There are plenty of gluten free food travel tips and afternoon tea reviews at my blog


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