Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


February 16, 2014

Gluten Free Afternoon Tea Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

For our birthday weekend, G and I decided to head across to Berlin for a long leisurely weekend away and one of our plans was to take Afternoon Tea at the luxury hotel by the Brandenburg Gate; Hotel Adlon Kempinski.  So without further ado here is my review of the Gluten Free Afternoon Tea –

80 pairs of shoes afternoon tea berlin gluten free hotel adlon


The gluten free sandwiches were small and petite with an array of different toppings from the traditional Salmon and Egg through to the unusual Pate and Gherkin toppings.

80 pairs of shoes afternoon tea berlin sandwiches gluten free hotel adlon germany


While G’s cake stand arrived with three layers of treats, mine arrive with the middle tier missing however I was still optimistic as I received jam and clotted cream.  Unfortunately no gluten free scones were delivered to the table or a suitable alternative.  This is my second afternoon tea in Europe and this is the second time that this has happened.  I took home the jam as a souvenir!  The photo of the scones are the gluten loaded scones which G said were a bit dry.

80 pairs of shoes afternoon tea berlin germany hotel adlon


The Gluten Free Pastries consisted of a chocolate cup cake, a mini meringue, chocolate strawberries, chocolate covered biscuit and fresh fruit.  While this was okay, I can’t see why I couldn’t have received the macaroon that was provided on the normal afternoon tea stand.

80 pairs of shoes gluten free afternoon tea berlin hotel adlon pastries germany

These are the gluten loaded pastries!

80 pairs of shoes afternoon tea berlin hotel adlon pastries


The tea selection was rather good with a selection of black, white and herbal teas on offer – I went for the Rose and Cornflower Tea and G went for his usual White Needles tea.


We took our Afternoon Tea on the balcony area overlooking the check in and bar which made for great people watching however it was slightly lacking in atmosphere as we were the only people seated in this area.  The hotel offers an Afternoon Tea Dance which I am guessing would be more entertaining.


The service was attentive and we were offered additional top ups of the tea however there was no refills on the food.

80 pairs of shoes gluten free afternoon tea berlin hotel adlon germany

Would I go back?  To be perfectly honest; no.  Once again I felt slightly short changed with this gluten free Afternoon Tea as I wasn’t presented with a full service and I think if scones couldn’t be served then an alternative should be provided.

The Afternoon Tea at Hotel Adlon Kempinski in Berlin starts at €32 per person and you can book via the hotels website.

What was the best international Afternoon Tea you have tried?


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