Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


February 19, 2015

Gluten Free Dinner at 108 Brasserie, Marylebone Hotel

After years of eating loads of gluten free afternoon tea I feel like I need a change so I’ve decided to branch out a little bit with the blog.  I took the opportunity to have a Friday night dinner date with Mrs Kiwi to try the gluten free dinner at 108 Brasserie which is located inside the Marylebone Hotel.



I may have had an afternoon tea date prior to arriving at 108 Brasserie for dinner so unfortunately the starters were definitely off the menu; my eyes were bigger than my belly.

But can you count a glass of champagne as a starter?  I managed to fit in that little sucker!


The menu has a number of gluten free friendly options available and I opted for the free range Cotswolds white chicken and ordered sides of mashed potato and steamed spinach; all were cooked to perfection and I may have pinched a few of Emma’s very delicious honey glazed heritage carrots.


While I love roast potatoes the best; you can’t beat a big spoonful of creamy mashed potato and it was creamy perfection!  Mrs Kiwi didn’t have a chance of trying my mashed potato as I may have given her the food death stare; I’m not really good at sharing food.



After thinking that I had no room for dessert the mention of peanut butter flavoured ice cream rather tickled my old fancy and I ordered three scopes; you can never enough calcium in your diet – I’m always thinking about my health!


Emma has ordered the Pineapple dessert from the menu in the past (here’s the review) however I didn’t think I could fit this into my very full tummy but maybe I should have taken one for the gluten free team!


The service was attentive and we had a number of giggles with the staff during our dinner.


While the Brasserie was extremely noisy when we arrived we asked if we could be seated up in the area where afternoon tea is normally served and the staff was happy to accommodate this request.  It was a lot quieter so we could chat away while scoffing a very yummy gluten free dinner together.


You can find the full menu for 108 Brasserie at the Marylebone Hotel here but be warned it will make your tummy grumble!

So where is your favourite place to have a gluten free meal out and who does the best gluten free dessert in London?


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