Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

June 2019: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…what the hell happened to June folks?!?!

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

So the month started with Afternoon Tea at the Cordis in Auckland…

June 2019: Life Update

…a trip to the Coromandel to visit the Whitianga Thermal Pools which were amazing…a tad expensive if I’m honest but wonderfully maintained with glorious cocktails…no photos allowed on the Girls Weekend Away so just a photo of the view as we left Coromandel…

June 2019: Life Update

…then a flight to the South Island to see if this could be my new home which I think it will be…I even looked at a few houses and found one that I really liked but we couldn’t agree on the price…if it’s meant to be, it will be…

June 2019: Life Update

June 2019: Life Update

June 2019: Life Update

^^ Pappy and I

…Lisa and I joined a really cool Auckland Art Tour which was part of Matariki.

June 2019: Life Update

Ex-Expat Update

I’ve finally closed down most of my life in the UK…it’s a weird feeling if I’m honest but also feels wonderful as it brings a lot of new beginnings in New Zealand.

June 2019: Life Update

June 2019: Life Update

^^June shoe struggles…which pair to wear!

New Zealand Life

Learning to embrace the four seasons in one day lifestyle of Auckland…from foggy mornings…

June 2019: Life Update

June 2019: Life Update

…to beautiful sunrises and sunsets…

…and to glorious sunshine all while its officially winter and hitting the mid teens each day.

This month I’ve also learnt the ropes on how to purchase a house in New Zealand…slightly different from England but when I put my next offer in, I’ll know exactly what happens.


A much better month…still room for improvement.

Health Update

Feeling a load better…just trying to avoid the numerous bugs that seem to be going around at the moment…these NZ bugs are bloody awful!

Plans for July

A trip to the Central North Island at the moment…but I feel like doing a weekend away somewhere in New Zealand…just have to figure out where.

So that was June 2019…over and out!


If you liked this post on June 2019: Life Update then why not come and join me on TwitterInstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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