Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


March 2, 2015

Review: Rocco Forte Hotel Amigo, Brussels

For our birthday weekend we decided to jet off to Brussels for four nights and after a little bit of research I booked us into the Rocco Forte property, Hotel Amigo.  Rocco Forte has some pretty fabulous properties including one my favourite hotels in London, Brown’s Hotel in Mayfair.


As we had caught a rather early flight from London our room wasn’t ready when we arrived (that was totally cool with us as we were early) so we hit up the concierge for a map of Brussels and his chocolate recommendations (the concierge knows his stuff and doesn’t judge when you ask for more than one chocolate recommendation!) and while waiting we had a little snoop around the lobby as you do.


So are you ready for a snoop inside our room –

This is a Deluxe King Room which is a decent size for the location of the hotel as it’s within a few easy steps of the Grand Place; our bed was big enough for me to star fish in each night while G managed to sleep comfortably on the edge as usual…


and the view over the rooftops from the 6th floor balcony were ever so pretty!


The hotel had left a lovely welcome gift of fruit and chocolates; needless to say the fruit wasn’t eaten.  G obviously ate the Speculoos!

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The bathroom was extremely spacious however if I did have one complaint about the room it was the shower; unfortunately even though I’m from New Zealand I’m not hobbit sized and I found it difficult to get underneath the spray of the shower without creating a pool of water on the bathroom floor.    Even Tin Tin was shocked on how much water I had on the floor!


As we arrived on Friday 13th a lot of restaurants were fully booked in Brussels by all those love birds who like to pay over the odds for Valentines Day Dining so we checked out Bar Amigo and ordered burgers and maybe had a few little drinks in the process.   The Bar has photos of celebrities including their autographs that have stayed at the hotel which have been collected over the years.  And yes, that’s me behind the bar and I can confirm not one glass was broken while that photo was being taken; I kept my hands in my pocket!


G loved his burger and I had a gluten free club sandwich with chips which went down a treat with my mocktail.


Our room rate included breakfast so we popped down to Boccini where breakfast is served, me with wet hair dripping and no make up which is the way I roll first thing in the morning.  The staff in the restaurant were fantastic and my gluten free requirement was accommodated without any issues.  On our birthdays we were provided with champagne by the hotel; a cute little touch and I was provided with a yummy platter of fresh fruit.  I may have overdosed on passionfruit; why is it so easy to find in Europe but so difficult in England?  And just in case you’re wondering, the hotel uses Jing Tea – my favourite!


And of course we indulged in the Chocolate Afternoon Tea that Hotel Amigo offers…when in Rome as they say or in this case Brussels.


The hotel is tastefully decorated and well kept throughout including the hallways which I always find let down most hotels but at Hotel Amigo they were immaculate…they were worthy of a photo and a mention!

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The service throughout our stay at Hotel Amigo was faultless.  I have to mention the lovely receptionist that joked that the new key card that we had to get replaced as G had lost  the original card within the room would cost 50 euros to replace (she was joking of course) but I absolutely love it when the staff are willing to have a joke with guests; it adds to the charm and the personality of the hotel.

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Would I recommend – totally, the service and the location are unbeatable for Brussels and if you’re lucky you may spot a celeb or two!

If you are heading to Brussels then I would highly recommend booking a night or two at Hotel Amigo which you can do so via their website here.


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