Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


February 11, 2015

What I Wore: What to Wear to Afternoon Tea at The Ritz

I was pretty darn excited about visiting The Ritz for Afternoon Tea last week however there was one thing that I was rather worried about – what to wear!  So I thought I would share with you all what to wear for Afternoon Tea at The Ritz and what you normally find me decked out in on all my other afternoon tea outings.


Apologies right now for the horrible selfie (you can see I don’t do this very often from the intense look of concentration on my face) but my outfit was pretty basic – black dress, black jacket, black tights and leopard print ballet flats which G’s dad told me looked like slippers right before I left home to head to The Ritz.  I love flats; practical for any girl about to use the tube in London!


Oh yeah when in doubt on what to wear to afternoon tea just add boobie bling!


P.S. When drinking out of shoe you will get the attention of most men in the bar; they stop and stare.

While its lovely to get dressed up for afternoon tea when you’re heading out to a posh London hotel you can get away with wearing jeans and a nice top (just don’t try this at The Ritz – most places suggest smart casual on their websites).

This is G and I at The Langham a number of years ago (in my gluten monster eating days and that is the closest that G comes to smiling in photos!)


And my shoe choices are normally ballet flats; its perfectly acceptable to wear flats especially when there is a chance you will be swaying in the breeze due to drinking a few glasses of champagne or consuming way too much sugar.


I tell most people the story about G falling off the ladder the day before our afternoon tea at Claridge’s last year; G accessorised his shirt with a broken nose, a broken arm and two very lovely black eyes.  Just in case you didn’t believe me here’s the proof…he doesn’t read my blog so he won’t kill me!  G knew the rules; I didn’t care how many bones were broken we were still heading to Claridge’s even if it meant I had to push him there in a wheel chair.


While I do love getting dressed up to go out for afternoon tea I always remember two golden rules –

1/ Wear clothes that you’re comfortable wearing so that you can enjoy the whole afternoon tea experience.


2/ Never wear a belt; it acts like a gastric band!

I hope this helps you out on what to wear to Afternoon Tea; if you need any help then please leave me a comment.


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