Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

Bloggers Required: One to Watch Blogger Award

Last month I received some really exciting news for my little blog; Bloggers Required gave yours truly an award, yip apparently I’m “One to Watch” – to say this put a smile on my dial was an understatement!


Bloggers Required have created an award to recognise bloggers that work hard to sustain their blog and realise that it’s such a competitive game and that many blogs go unnoticed.  The award is a way of recognising the hard work of the bloggers behind the blog.

The exciting part for me is that I get to nominate a few of my favourite blogs and these lovely bloggers are definitely ones to watch out for in the future so without further ado here are my nominations –

Jade from Earth to Jade – I’m a newbie to Jade’s blog but I’m hooked to her fabulous travel posts.

Meg from Meg-Made – Meg is the lady behind Meg-Made, a delightful gluten free lifestyle blog which is just amazing (especially the London gluten free tips!).  Meg is Australia’s answer to Martha Stewart, you just need to check out her little girl’s birthday party to understand why I say this!

Dannielle from ChicaDeeDee – originally from New York but now living in England, Dannielle’s posts and photos are stunning and her blog reminds me that I need to venture to the North of England more often.

If I have nominated you, please check out this link of the Bloggers Required website to grab your badge and for the rules.

Come and join me on TwitterGoogle+Instagram, Pinterest and Bloglovin’ – I won’t bite!


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