Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

A Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire

When my family where over visiting England, I wanted to show them a variety of different sites from the visiting the Potteries in Staffordshire, to National Trust properties, the natural beauty of England and dare I say it…a visit to Lakeland (the highlight for mum and Lisa!).  Our first National Trust Property was Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire and unfortunately we only had 30 minutes to whizz through the property but I’m determined to visit again one day for a proper snoop as it’s fabulous!

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

I feel like I’m jumping around countries on this blog, giving you all international travel whiplash in the process however I have so many photos and I just want to post some of the shorter posts while work commitments are a bit hectic.

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

Now you know I love a wobbly drunk building and the National Trust have a few properties in their care that fit this bill nicely including this black and white beauty…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…which looks beautiful during autumn and I’m guessing all year round…Lisa pointed out a calendar where Little Moreton Hall is covered in a blanket of snow.

The volunteers all dress up in costume <squint and you’ll be able to spot a lady in costume…squint I said…keep squinting till you see her>…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…there is a moat which we took a few photos in front of…it would be rude not too…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…I love this photo of Lisa below (my little sister)…all those dancing lessons paid off…Lisa is rather girly in her style…flowers, tulle, ribbons, lace, glitter…anything from Alannah Hill

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…while I’m more of a tom boy with a slight addiction to stripes, jazz hands and pretty loud trousers!

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

^^And realising that short hair on a windy day just isn’t fun…fur ball anyone!

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

Now if you’re wondering why mum and dad aren’t popping up in this post…well Dad was feeling unwell and not to photogenic…and mum…wellllll…let’s just say there was a hair catastrophe of epic proportions earlier in the day where we were all barred from taking photos of mum…basically we were dead meat and if you know mum, if the hair isn’t good then you don’t come a knockin’ or in this case…no bloody photos allowed.

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

^^Since I wasn’t allowed to take a photo of mum…here’s one of her beautiful photos!

We popped inside quickly however didn’t have time to go upstairs to have a proper good nosey…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…but just look at those walls and the detailing…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…the fire place wasn’t roaring…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…but Lisa was toasty warm…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…NOT!  You gotta love an English summer…where Auckland is warmer in winter than Bedford in summer (we have temperature competitions to see who is the coldest!).

The cafe was closed so we thought we might be able to rustle up a scone and cuppa inside the house…

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

…the cupboards were bare!  We did see the witch markings which I learnt about after watching the National Trust program recently on tv…so it was great to finally see one in real life…England has turned me into a right old history geek and I love it!

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

Little Moreton Hall is a truly gorgeous example of a moated half timbered Manor House and is only around 500 years young *coughs, older than New Zealand*.

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

^^Just imagine what stories these folks could tell about the properties former guests…I’m pretty sure there was some smooching in the past that wasn’t allowed!

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

I will be honest and say that I fell out of love with the National Trust a few years back but with a car and making time to venture around the English countryside a lot more these days…there is truly some amazing National Trust properties that just need to be visited and Little Moreton Hall is one of them!

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.

Travel Tips for visiting Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire

  • You can read more about the Little Moreton Hall on the National Trust website here.
  • Get there way before closing time so you can explore the interiors and the gardens…and enjoy a cuppa and a scone in the cafe.
  • Some of the volunteers are dressed up so make sure your hair is done for a photo or two…if allowed of course
  • I would highly recommend a National Trust membership or if you’re coming across on holiday to the UK then pick up the National Trust Touring Pass which is excellent value of money if you plan to visit a few properties – this is only for overseas visitors.
  • There is a car park and it’s short walk to the property through the gift shop.
  • The address for Little Moreton Hall is Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4SD – there is a slight bend to the road by the entrance so be careful when turning.

England Travel InspirationA Whistle Stop Tour of the National Trust Property Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire. If you love wobbly drunk buildings then this beautiful Tudor Manor House is going to tick all the boxes. Click the photo to see more photos and to read my travel tips.


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