Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

Days Out in England: Exploring London in Spring

Spring has definitely sprung in London this weekend and the sunshine was much needed for some of us vitamin D deficient grumpy old sods.  London in Spring is one of my favourite times to explore the city mainly as I get a tad excited seeing so many daffodils in one place.


I suggested to G during the week that we should spend Sunday in London visiting some touristy spots but his idea of spending the day in London consists of having a few drinks in the Coburg Bar at The Connaught and never leaving the bar…it’s his usual suggestion but I had other ideas which he had no choice but to follow.

After a late start, we jumped onto the train destined for London armed with our 2 for 1 vouchers (these vouchers are awesome for day trippers heading into the big smoke as they can save you a fortune; just pick up the leaflet at the train station when buying your tickets) and headed to the Churchill War Rooms to explore.


This wasn’t my first visit to the Churchill War Rooms as I remember Lisa dragging me around them way back in 2001.  The War Rooms cost £18pp to enter (this is including the donation) and I’m going to be brutually honest and say they aren’t worth the money – there are better things to see in London for this amount of dosh.


The displays were informative and there is a complimentary audio guide to use during your visit.


Mrs Churchill and her floral arm chair…


My favourite fact of the day was that Churchill use to stand on the rooftop of the War Rooms watching the air raids in London instead of being tucked away in a bomb shelter.


After been slightly disappointed with the exhibition we ended back outside in the glorious sunshine and walked through St James Park which was swimming in daffodils; thankfully we didn’t run into any squirrels on acid…


…and then spotted this gorgeous building, the HM Treasury; seriously they don’t make buildings like they used too!


G and I had an afternoon tea booking at the St James Court Hotel and we were looking forward to visiting our first Taj Hotel after watching the documentary series on The Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai that aired on tv last year and which is now firmly on my travel wish list.  As we arrived a tad early (the Churchill War Rooms were that much of a disappointment that it didn’t take us long to visit) we sat in the bar and had a few drinks including my Cinderella mocktail – all shoes accounted for as you can see!


The sun was still shining when we finished afternoon tea so we headed out for a little walk through the Royal Parks and to pop around to see the Queen (she wasn’t home though, how blooming rude!).


Now I wouldn’t normally share my tube journey however this made G and I laugh; a bride and groom walking through Green Park station – as she was coming through the turnstiles the groom was taking her photo; super super cute!


I hope everyone enjoyed the spring sunshine this weekend, long may this glorious weather continue.


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