Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

January 2020: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…first month of 2020, done and dusted!

January 2020: Life Update

Warning: this blog post contains a lot of selfies and mobile photos which aren’t great quality…and guess what, I don’t care! <insert evil laugh>

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

The month started off with a visit to Kitekite Falls for a New Year cleanse which was a superb way to start the new year….

January 2020: Life Update

…the following day it was a 3 hour walk in the Hunua Ranges which was fabulous however my bottom suffered a lot (3 hours is just too much at this stage!)…

January 2020: Life Update

January 2020: Life Update

…the fires in Australia made the skies extremely dark during the afternoon here in New Zealand…

January 2020: Life Update

swims at Waitawa Regional Park…Auckland decided to get crazy hot…to the point that I felt like I was going to melt…

January 2020: Life Update

…this view still takes away my breathe every time I see it…

January 2020: Life Update

…learning more about Spanish history with each day…absolutely fascinating and it helps that I have someone to chat about Spanish history with…I would so love to visit Spain again to visit all the castles….I feel like I didn’t spend enough time appreciating the country…

January 2020: Life Update

…strawberry picking in the sunshine…

January 2020: Life Update

…admiring our beautiful dahlias….

January 2020: Life Update

….followed the biggest family scandal of 2020…and it was only January…Mama gets very heated when she speaks about Megan…

January 2020: Life Update

…had drinks and dinner out at the Viaduct…Mexican is becoming a firm favourite of mine…

January 2020: Life Update

January 2020: Life Update

January 2020: Life Update

…family dinner picnics at Maraetai with beautiful views of two waka….

January 2020: Life Update

January 2020: Life Update

…cursing the cruise ships…3 in one day was just too much…

January 2020: Life Update

…buying vegan donuts for my favourite Costa Rican Kiwi family!

January 2020: Life Update

Life Things

Okay…does anyone else find January weird?  The holidays, the casualness of January, the movement of people…it just feels really odd…it feels like August has come early.  Maybe this is just me…after living in England for close to 15 years.

Learning that dating is quite fun…but also very confusing!  And then asking the question: what the hell constitutes as dating these days?!?! It isn’t any easier in your 30’s…boys are still confusing as fuck!  Are you keen to hear funny dating / guy stories on the blog?

Health Update

I’m slowly taking back my body by eating a more natural diet which includes a lot of mung beans which I find help settle my stomach…

January 2020: Life Update

…and helps me lose weight which is the silver lining…

January 2020: Life Update

…and after eating nachos and a few alcoholic drinks, I could feel what my poor diet was doing to my body so I started reformer pilates again which has really helped open up my hips and also work on my posture plus amending my diet.

My denim jacket I bought when I was 20 years old…I turn 40 this month!

January 2020: Life Update

Seriously look at that food baby!

January 2020: Life Update

I’ve started to take magnesium as my cramp was getting way out of control…hip cramping at 39 isn’t cool folks!

January 2020: Life Update

A friend sent me this…

January 2020: Life Update

…I love it but it also unsettled me quite a bit.  This is definitely me in a nutshell…I’ve come a long way in the last 3-4 months.  I actually felt upset by this quote as well…it came into my life when I was starting to feel a bit unsettled and it got me all frazzled.

Plans for February 2020

Melbourne to see Rachel (I’ve just come back from our weekend away…sitting here with very small eyes….soooo tired but a good tired!).…it’s also my birthday this month!

I’m going to find myself a walk that I’ve never done before and pound the track!


If you liked this post on January 2020: Life Update then why not come and join me on TwitterInstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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