Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

May 2019: Life Update

Hi De Hi campers! Well May…you were interesting to say the least and flew by in a jiffy…

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

So it started with a walk through the Miranda Shore Bird Sanctuary in the Waikato Region after a pretty terrible month end (I lost my confidence big time and questioned my ability as an accountant)

May 2019: Life Update

…a Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea at home…

May 2019: Life Update

…sitting in McD’s on a Monday night with mama, scratching lotto tickets, having a drink…classy birds…(we drove Lisa to book club as she doesn’t like driving in the dark into the middle of the woop woops…who can blame her…so we visited the McD’s on the Bombay Hills entertaining ourselves until she required the smurf mobile to pick her up)…

May 2019: Life Update

…hoping that the rainbow was signalling good times ahead…

May 2019: Life Update

…taking a walk with my Lisa through my favourite Auckland regional park

May 2019: Life Update

May 2019: Life Update

May 2019: Life Update

…and visiting Sydney for the Vivid Festival with my family (thank you to all the people that sent me DM’s over instagram saying how much they love following along on my trips with my family (you can see the stories under Australia)…I love them also…they’re good for the soul…until someone loses their shit…we won’t mention the shoe or the blind incident)

May 2019: Life Update

…my last visit to Sydney was way back in 2003 and while I found it confusing and huge at the time…obviously living in England made it feel like a small city which was a lot easier to navigate this time around…oh and lets be honest…Uber helps a fucking lot….

May 2019: Life Update

…and meeting up with the lovely Rachel who took me out for vegan donuts!

May 2019: Life Update

Ex-Expat Update

Next week is my 6 month anniversary of arriving home…feels so weird to say that.  Everyone has a very different story in life and that is exactly the same about resettling back into New Zealand after many years abroad.

I feel like things are slowly slipping into place…moving abroad carries a huge financial burden in those first 6 months as you try to resettle; I’m having to relearn the skill, of not being not hard on myself at times…easier said than done and all that bull shit.

New Zealand Life 

May 2019: Life Update

One thing I’m not taking for granted is the ability to drive to the beach in 30 minutes or the warm autumn days which are still in the early 20’s.

While I do miss the beautiful castles, gardens and incredible history that England has to offer…the natural beauty of New Zealand makes me one happy bunny.


I’ve lacked in this area this month…

Health Update

Feeling a lot better bar a new bowel issue where the medication gives me a severe headache…and makes walking, sitting down or standing up painful…roll on the next colonoscopy where they can fix this issue…1 or 2 they could fix at the doctors surgery…having approximately 13, they need to fix these during a colonoscopy…going for gold again.

And then there was the puffy feet incident after our flight back from Sydney…the doctor had to rush through an urgent 2 hour blood test last week as I was showing some of the signs for a blood clot…but it was all good in the hood thankfully!

Plans for June

Off for a girls weekend away, no photos allowed as we will all be in togs (swimsuits)...afternoon tea…Christchurch and then the start of Matariki, which will be first time I’ll be experiencing the cultural events held for the Maori New Year in New Zealand as it wasn’t celebrated like it is now when I left for England 15 years ago.

So that was May 2019…over and out!


If you liked this post on May 2019: Life Update then why not come and join me on TwitterInstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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