Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

The Sleepy Port Town of Katakolo, Greece

After spending two nights exploring Santorini, we had no fixed plans once we headed back to Athens so it was decided that we would go and visit G’s friend who lives close to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

This meant arriving into Athens with no rental car and no hotel bookings…the rental car issue was easily sorted at Athens airport and we were on our way to Katakolo where we managed to watch a spectacular sunset from the car as we were departing Athens…crap happens!

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

G is the most disorganised traveller I know and our trips normally have G calling the bank to cancel all his cards then only to find them 15 minutes later…so we were going to see his friend whom he hasn’t talked to in a few years, his friend doesn’t do social media or phones much you see…boys!

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

The road to Katakolo from Athens had much improved since our last visit however it almost bankrupted us due to all the tolls…thankfully we had enough euros on us!  We were  pretty close to Katakolo when we thought…hmmm…it might be time to find a hotel for the night so thankfully with my Three Mobile Feel at Home package (I love this package so much!), I used my free 3G to locate us a hotel…Orizones in Katakolo.  G asked why I decided on this hotel…I told him I picked the most expensive one…it was 60 euros so it wasn’t too bad and it looked extremely clean and tidy.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

On arrival at the hotel, we were greeted very very warmly…the staff at this hotel were so kind…and they knew G’s friend (N) or as I like to call him, G’s Greek twin brother and contacted him on our behalf…so after the shock that we were in Greece and in his neck of the woods (Greece is a pretty big country!), we went to bed and saw N the following day.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

G and I had a little look around Katakolo, it’s changed a lot since G first visited many many years ago…the town is used by cruise ships to visit Olympia (we visited many years ago so I have no photos from this trip, sorry!).  As it was November, out of season for cruise ships, most of the shops were closed (apparently they open if there is a cruise ship in!)...we just wandered along so I could take a few photos here and there…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…now you see me…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…now you don’t!  I sooooooo loved that blue building…a fashion bloggers wet dream! (yes I just said that!)

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

After having problems photographing cats in Santorini…my luck in Katakolo didn’t change…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…you can’t win them all…I’m pretty sure this cat is giving me death stares!

The town is rather cute and it was nice just to wander, without any tourists…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…fresh air…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…colourful buildings…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…colourful plants…

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

…and plenty of outdoor seating for a drink or two!

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

We had a really enjoyable two nights staying in Katakolo and visiting N and his family and we will definitely be back…those direct flights to Kalamata with British Airways are perfect for us!

I thought I would share some photos of Orizontes View Hotel…it was great value, family run and they were so friendly to us during our whole stay.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.   Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.   Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo. 

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.

Travel Tips for Katakolo

  • We stayed at Orizontes View Hotel overlooking Katakolo which was a fantastic base and I would highly recommend and happily stay again.  If you’re visiting on a cruise ship and don’t want to visit Olympia then take the walk up the hill and have a quick bite to eat at this hotel and enjoy the views.
  • Katakolo is only a short drive from Olympia
  • There were only a few little restaurants open on our visit, it was November and there was no cruise ship in but we had a lovely meal in the town on our first night.
  • If you plan to hire a car from Athens and drive to the Peloponnese area then make sure you have sufficient cash with you, our tolls were close to 20 euros each way!!
  • You can read all my Greece posts here

Greece Travel Inspirationa visit to the sleepy port town of Katakolo in the Peloponnese, a perfect place to stop for the night when visiting Olympia which is nearby. If you need a hotel recommendation then I have the perfect answer on the blog and it has amazing views over Katakolo.


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