Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

Visiting All The English Counties 18/48Exploring Alfriston, East Sussex

Last Christmas Eve back home in New Zealand I shared a photo on instagram of Alfriston where we were collecting strawberries from…a while later Sian from Gluten Free Mrs D asked if I had visited Alfriston in England as it was a beautiful spot and from that moment on, I was determined to visit!

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

So a few weeks ago, I popped down to Alfriston in East Sussex and then onto my old home town of Arundel in West Sussex.  The first stop on this rainy Saturday morning was Alfriston…I wasn’t too sure sure what to expect so did what any sensible young lady would do….

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…I ate cake…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and promptly fell in love with this great quote!

After a spot of sugar, a cuppa and a wee (it was a long drive from Bedford to Alfriston!) was time to become a ninja tourist…basically I was trying to dodge raindrops…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…that kept finding my camera…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…but this Kiwi is pretty determined to get a photo or two of some wobbly buildings.

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

How gorgeous is this pub, the George Inn…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…I’m not a big pub person (weirdly I visited 2 pubs last weekend in Bedfordshire…that is probably the most I’ve visited in one year!)….

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…honestly he didn’t have a bad side to photograph…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…are pubs boys?!?!…castles are girls right??!?  Well it is called George!

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.


Continuing down the cute little high street that has a few little boutique shops to explore (and they are worth exploring!)…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and then I stumbled on a few more little cafes selling cake (seriously Alfriston is good for exploring and cake eating!)…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…finally I found a little sign pointing me in the direction of why I was visiting Alfriston (and you thought it was only for cake….so so so wrong…I can be cultured occasionally!)

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

First stop was the church…let’s go for a little snoop inside…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…mind the wild flowers…luckily my giant clown feet didn’t kill any…phew…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…stopping for a little church shoefie (it’s all about the harvest!)

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…admiring the pretty windows…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and floral displays that the ladies were working on…chatting away quietly to each other…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…stopping to read this remembrance message of a solider killed at El Alamein in Egypt at only 20 years of age…so young…the El Alamein memorial along with Tobruk in Libya are very special spots to visit if you ever get a chance…so many sons lost their lives in foreign lands…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and then I was saddened to see another church requiring money for restoration work…why are so many churches in England in this state at the moment?!?

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

You’ll probably think me weird (possibly even weirder if you’re a long time reader) but I love tip toeing around graveyards…looking at the inscriptions on headstones, trying to work out the persons story…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…each one unique in their own special way…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…beautifully maintained…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…often with views overlooking the village!

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

Next stop was the Alfriston Clergy House…come this way while minding the rain drop on the photo…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…yes a wobbly thatched house you can enter…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…the Alfriston Clergy House is a National Trust property which you can enter for free if you’re a member…don’t worry…I’ll take one for the team and get a soggy bottom…it was pouring cats and rather fat dogs….

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…the door without my umbrella…super cute right?!?!…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and it was actually the National Trusts very first property in their portfolio….

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…so if you’re a huge National Trust fan then make sure you pop in…if you can’t make it, don’t fret…follow me…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…take a moment to sniff the flowers…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and mind your head…it hurts…trust me I know…5’11 doesn’t bode well in old wobbly houses.

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

The Alfriston Clergy House is a 14th century Wealden Hall House…so you have a comfy living space…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and then a rather large hall area…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…the house was in desperate need of repair when the National Trust acquired it so some of the repairs aren’t quite what they should be…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…including the lack of a loo!

So you know the oak leaf emblem of National Trust…see if you can spot it in this photo…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…they say that the gentleman that designed the emblem visited the property for inspiration and lo and behold the leaf appeared as the NT symbol and is still used today.  The leaf in the woodwork is the wood workers signature as he probably couldn’t read or write so he left his signature with a tiny design in the wood that he was working in…in this case it was oak.

I spent a long time chatting with one of the volunteers at the Clergy House whom was so knowledgeable…we chatted for so long that his tea was cold and needed to be replaced…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…a real English first world problem folks!

Leaving the church and Clergy House behind me…I wandered off back to the high street…all the while feeling like I was getting watched….

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…then I spotted him…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…waved and took a photo of the big bad monster who then decided to be camera shy…they do say never work with kids or animals!

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

Now if the George Inn is busy…just walk across the road to this little pub, The Star Inn…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…how cute is this couple, I just couldn’t resist.

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

It seemed like it was perfect basket carrying weather…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…and for taking a horse ride!

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

If only I could have fitted in a scone but I was still filled to the brim from my piece of cake…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…so I did what I do best…I took some photos of doors…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…my obsession with doors is bad, I know…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…I’ve stopped buying shoes but started photographing doors…

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

…do I need help?!?!

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.

Travel Tips for Alfriston, East Sussex

England Travel Inspirationthe cute little village of Alfriston in East Sussex; home to the National Trust property, Alfriston Clergy of England's most famous historic buildings. East Sussex is a beautiful county and should be added to your list of places to visit in the United Kingdom...from pretty churches to stunning countryside. Click to see more beautiful photos of the UK.


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