May 15, 2013

Blog Addicts Anonymous…When Bloggers Attack

Can you believe it’s October…where has the year gone…81 days to Christmas and counting (I may have a counter on my phone…11 days to Strasbourg, 61 days to New Zealand and 146 days till Peru…sad I know…that’s the way I roll!).  This month’s Travel Link Up topic is outing yourself and all your dirty blog secrets in the Blog Addicts Anonymous special with our lovely co-host Anna from Penelope and Parker’s Travels and the usual suspects Emma and Rebecca.

So here we go!

G will probably tell anyone who will listen he has suffered through blogging…like really suffered…tortured even…


…like having to wait ten minutes while I photograph his food plus mine and then all together…please note the missing sandwiches from the bottom plate…someone just couldn’t wait…


…this is G’s I love you and want to have your babies face…or maybe it’s his, I hate you now give me my food face!  So difficult to tell the difference these days!

Then comes the questions…what was his meal like…was it better than Claridge’s, The Lanesborough…it’s not really 20 questions…it’s more like 4,432 questions…that’s G’s burger from Claridge’s…


…G gets his revenge with telling me it was okay…which leads me to ask another 3,434 questions…and I may ask him 3 weeks after an event just to test his memory…not good for a man that struggles to remember my birthday which is two days after his own…and that I hate white chocolate and receiving flowers on my birthday…he made the mistake once and got the biggest ear bashing of his life…that’s a whole different blog post…when Kiwi’s attack!

Then comes the hotel rooms…where he just throws down all his belongings before I can photograph the room…okay maybe we were both to blame here…a disadvantage of in room check in…you spread out before getting a chance to photograph everything…


…I may have barred him from using the toilet when he was busting and told him to go down to the lobby to use the rest rooms down there as I hadn’t photographed the bathroom…that’s totally normal in the blogging world right??

And I have threatened him with the hallway after he made an imprint in the bedding before I got the perfect photo…taking of course at least 300 photos of said bed…okay I may have been the culprit for this wrinkled bedding…but I did tell G to get out of the photo and I can still see him in the mirror….seriously!


G does get his revenge by taking really bad photos of me…possibly one reason why there is hardly anyone photos of me on the blog…a good one…okay it’s a bit bright at the back but I needed the light for the food photos…


…revenge photo number 1…I’m telling him off here as he’s just taken a close up of my boobies and saying seriously just take a nice one please, it’s not that difficult…I would have shared the boobie photo however it’s blurry…G needs to work on his macro skills…


…revenge photo number 2…me in the scone zone!


^^^ I don’t take myself too seriously and I don’t really ever wear make up on holiday or brush my hair!

We all do crazy things in the name of blogging.

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