This month’s travel link up is all about the Things That You’d Never Do Again when travelling; a topic that was suggested by our lovely co-host for May, Shikha from Why Waste Annual Leave. So come and join Shikha, Rebecca, Emma and I as we spill our little hearts out over things we would never do again while travelling!
Things I’d Never Do Again When Travelling
Jumping off a Perfectly Good Cliff
I was very drunk in Zambia (see the below photos which were taken when I still had use of my legs, was wearing my bra and had possession of my camera and wallet) when I agreed to do the gorge swing and for someone who hates heights this should have put me off drinking alcohol for the foreseeable future (I only agreed to this under the influence, see alcohol makes you do silly things – your folks are right about the dangers of alcohol!). After two failed attempts of leaning back over the edge of the cliff face and falling backwards (I just couldn’t do it), I was talked into giving it one final attempt where on 3 I would just fall back – on 2 I was pushed hence the reason why I did the gorge swing!
Having a Massage in Budapest
Somehow my friend and I ended up in the mens section of the Baths where my masseuse was a very large oiled Hungarian man who only had a sheet wrapped around his private bits. His definition of a gentle massage and mine were very different (I was bruised the following day) plus I got to have every Tom, Dick and Harry masseuse walk into the room telling me to relax while they chatted with my masseuse. And coming back to the Dick, I got to see one of those as well from the customer in the room across the hall from me who gave me a full frontal before lying down on the bed for his massage. It’s my favourite massage to date and potentially why I get slightly nervous about visiting spas now!
Getting my Legs Waxed
Ohhh when things get lost in translation…I don’t recommend getting your legs waxed while travelling unless you can tell them precisely what you want done in English! The funniest thing was that one of my Croatian relatives came with me to translate and things still got lost in translation. That moment when you realise it’s all going wrong and you can’t stop the car crash. To stop this happening again in future, I’m now having laser!
Going for a Pee Beside a Cactus
I think we can all work out what went wrong with this….I will say I only got a prickle in my foot thankfully and it hurt like crap (excuse the pun!). I will never ever go for a pee beside a cactus when I’m roughing it ever again…lesson learnt.
Going for a Pee Beside Puppies
Now you’re probably thinking why was I going for a pee next to puppies and to be honest I didn’t know that they were there as the beaches in Libya are full of rubbish and it was the middle of the night. I only realised they were there when I was mid flow and they started to bark to their mummy and daddy who decided to race back to their babies to protect them…needless to say I managed to stop mid flow, pulled up my pants (trousers for the Brits), G grabbed my hand and we ran! Can you imagine the conversation with the travel insurance company if I had got my bottom bitten by a dog with rabies – the torch was then known as the rabies bum torch for the duration of our time in Libya.
Things I’d Do Again When Travelling
Sleeping Under the Stars
Regardless of how much of a princess people think I am, I do rough it and sleep under the stars occasionally. I would rough camp (i.e. no showers, toilets etc) again if it meant that I got to visit a destination that was off the beaten track.
I would definitely buy shoes again when travelling! DEFINITELY!!
So what are the Things That You’d Never Do Again when travelling? Fess up and join the May Travel Link Up.

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