Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

Our M&S Gluten Free Picnic at Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire

When I was planning our little road trip up to Lincolnshire, I found a gem of a National Trust property called Woolsthorpe Manor.  This is the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his apple tree…you know the story about the apple falling on his head…well you can have a picnic right beside that apple tree.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

Rachel and I are both gluten free so we stopped off at our new local huge M&S store to pick up some gluten free supplies for our picnic…seriously that could have been a whole blog post by itself…I still need to go back to buy those gluten free chicken nuggets.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

We decided to eat first and explore later…we know how to party like it’s 1999!  We popped down our picnic baskets and blankets (thank you Jonelle & Mark for my brown picnic basket…see I do use it!)…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…took a few necessary blog photos…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…just a few.  That’s obviously the famous apple tree with the little fence around the roots; apparently the roots have got damaged over time as tourists wanted a photo sitting directly under the tree so they have now had to protect the tree for future generations.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

So of course we then scoffed our way through a very yummy M&S gluten free picnic.  I had picked up the new gluten free hob nobs from Waitrose prior to our M&S visit and Rachel had bought the rice sticks…a gluten free gal is always prepared in case M&S failed us…they didn’t.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

I have to say that Marks and Spencers have really upped their game when it comes to gluten free options…I remember when the gluten free range was delivered to the Bedford store in error the very first time and they promptly sold out…apparently I wasn’t the only gluten free freak in Bedford.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

We managed to pick up a gluten free BLT sarnie, gluten free scotch eggs, apples, chocolate mousse, salmon skewers, gluten free blackcurrant ripple cake and good old fashion lemonade.  Rachel introduced me to the M&S gluten free caramel millionaire bites…they are sooooo much better than the gluten free hob nobs!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

Rachel and I take this blogging business extremely seriously…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…we don’t use twitter to communicate, we talk via our banana phones (how scary are my eyes…and the hat hair!)

Rachel bought mason jars for our picnic but I failed my blogging exam…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…I forgot to give myself a pretty manicure!

And you know, you obviously need to have a photo in front of the tree while balancing an apple on your head.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

^^Photo stolen from Rachel’s blog…sorry Rachel, I should have asked before stealing!

And because Rachel and I don’t take things too seriously…this is a behind the scenes photo, the look of concentration on our little faces…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…balancing an apple on your head isn’t that easy, trust me!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

After a lot of eating and lot of chatting…we decided to explore inside Woolsthorpe Manor which is a simple farm house however it gives you a true feel on how the “normal” folks would have lived; it was a nice change from the huge stately homes that I’ve visited in the past.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

We popped inside the house for a nosey…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…the house is set up quite simply…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…so that when you enter Sir Isaac Newton’s room you really get a sense on how special the house is as it’s from this room that he made his biggest discoveries on light and gravity during the plague years…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…and it just shows that it doesn’t matter where you come from, you can change the world!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

We learnt an interesting fact that Sir Isaac Newton’s uncle went to Cambridge also…so a family of academics.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

^^It’s moments like these that you need to do a shoefie!

I failed 5th form Science (I found it the most boring subject ever…plus I used to get told off for talking and then listening…apparently if I wasn’t listening my friends wouldn’t be talking!)…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…maybe if I had this famous view from his bedroom, I may have passed 5th form Science…hmmm probably not!

Rachel also discovered the light on our visit to Woolsthorpe Manor…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…Sir Isaac Newton, eat your heart out!

And just because I can…one lucky last photo of the apple tree…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…and a magical quote from the man himself!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

Travel Tips for Woolsthorpe Manor

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Woolsthorpe Manor, the family home of Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple tree! Looking for the best picnic spot in England then look no further plus I show you where to find the best gluten free food picnic supplies for a great day out in England. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!


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