Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

Piccadilly & Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking Tour

Finding a Gluten Free Walking Tour is like finding unicorn poo; they very very rarely existed until Yannick came along.  After the success of feeding young ladies plenty of macarons and filling their ears with tales and scandals around the pretty Mews of London; Yannick has now added a foodie tour of Piccadilly…scandal central and where the Queen pops in to do her shopping.

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

The starting point was Green Park…and after scoffing a quick lunch before starting a food walking tour (I don’t know why….stupid I know!); I basked in the rare sunshine that we’ve seen this summer along with half of London until our meeting time.

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

Yannick lead us through Green Park giving away it’s many secrets (I won’t share any as I don’t want to give away the juicy tid bits from the tour) but let’s just say a certain Queen pulled what would now be a modern day Facebook hacking session of her husbands account to notify the world of his infidelity in Green Park.

Years ago I worked around this area in London and never once ventured into the little alleys or side streets that we followed Yannick down.  One moment we were in Green Park and the next in a tiny little street with a luxury hotel tucked in the corner.

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

You can obviously dream about which house you would buy if you won the euro millions…(if I moved in I would paint the front door bright red…just to cause outrage in Piccadilly).

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

Chopin or Chopping as my principal from high school called him….

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

Thinking that I knew most of the luxury hotels in London, Yannick surprised me with the second secret hotel of the day…how cute is this place!  I used to work almost directly across the road and never ever knew this little court yard or hotel existed!  Summer in London is pretty darn gorgeous!

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

We ended up ducking and weaving through little alleys, side streets and through beautiful arcades…you will have plenty of instagram photos to spam everyone with for weeks!

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

2.5 hours later…the sun was still shining in London (thought I would add that in for my dad)…the obligatory iconic telephone box in the sunshine pic…you can’t leave London without it (this one doesn’t smell of wee and doesn’t have naked ladies inside…it’s a rather posh Piccadilly phone box!).

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

Yannick managed to feed us Petit 4’s on our walking tour (all of which were gluten free – thank you Yannick!) and of course one of the places we stopped was for macarons…it would be really rude not to stop for a salted caramel macaron.  One of the lovely ladies on the tour needed to have her macaron cherry popped…she’d never eaten a macaron before…how is this possible?!  I really hoped she was going to pick the cherry flavoured macaron…I would have had kittens if she had…there were no kittens.

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!

We had a great wander through Burlington Arcade were Yannick talked about Pimps…Yannick did you mention the pimps first or did I lower the tone again…I think I may have lowered the tone more than once…barnyard antics…the french mistress (I’m still totally convinced he was after more than just her violet creme’s Yannick!)

I love Yannick’s tours as they’re informative, funny and you leave with a full tummy.

The Piccadilly & Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking Tour with London Unravelled costs £15pp (exceptionally good value for a 2.5 hour walking tour with sweet treats) and can be booked via Eventbrite here.

London Travel InspirationAre you gluten free and heading to London on your next vacation then book yourself on the Piccadilly and Petit Fours Gluten Free Walking's great value, you will learn so much about the history of London and you will have a full tummy for all that gluten free food!


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