May 15, 2013

Short City Break to Copenhagen

Ever thought of doing a day trip to Copenhagen from London?  No me either until my other half needed to get 20 tier points for his British Airways membership.  So we decided to do a short city break to Copenhagen (it’s less than a 2 hr flight) – fly in, have a wander around the city, eat cake and then fly home!


British Airways are offering cheap flights to Copenhagen for day trippers so we both flew for under £100 (economy) and G got his tier points.

I tried to do a little pre-planning i.e. finding somewhere that offered a gluten free afternoon tea however I failed! But we rocked up in Copenhagen anyway, grabbed a map and just went for a wander.  This wasn’t my first visit to the city so there wasn’t any need to see the Little Mermaid and go tourist crazy.

We headed in the direction of Nyhavn as it’s a lovely place to stop and have a drink however it was a stunning day in Copenhagen and was packed to the brim.  So we continued on our merry way.


Just say No!  This made me giggle..


…we then stumbled onto the aptly named #HappyWall so we flicked a few squares over and went to find a cuppa as I was getting grumpy!


Now I knew that A.C. Perch’s Tea Shop offered an afternoon tea however they didn’t do a gluten free version but apparently you can take in your own gluten free goodies.  The tea shop is the oldest in Copenhagen and apparently Europe; even the Queen of Denmark pops in for a cuppa on occasion so I decided to bless the establishment with my presence.  My Matcha Tea Smoothie was refreshing and the decor of the Tea Rooms is simply elegant and you could sit down for hours quite easily sampling their vast array of teas.


After feeling like a human again (a cup of tea can make me a nicer person; just for future reference!) the band came and played some fancy tunes.


We just wandered leisurely around the city, basking in the sunshine (some with more clothes on that others)


…enjoying the relaxed vibe that the city offers


I found the perfect letter box!  I love people watching when on holiday however in Copenhagen my people watching turned into shoe watching – the ladies of Copenhagen wear some fancy shoes when riding their bikes!


If I can recommend one shop to visit when in Copenhagen it would be ArtPosters as they have the licence for the 1950’s artwork by the local Danish artist Ib Antoni, so I picked up a very cute print to take home as my souvenir.


It was time for refuelling and my online research picked up a great place to stop for gluten free food; Andersen Bakery and one of their locations is right by the train station / Tivoli Gardens; score!

I started healthy, a chicken salad (yes I do eat my greens)….


…then I moved onto the gluten free cakes.  The Danish ladies were laughing at me as I got slightly over enthaustic when it came to number of cakes I ordered and was counting them all – honestly the selection on offer was amazing! (My eyes were bigger than my belly though)


We didn’t head inside the Tivoli Gardens but I did fall in love with the posters; how cute are they!


Copenhagen is super expensive so if you are short on time or money than I think the city is perfect for a day trip.  Just have a game plan sorted before you leave home so you know what you want to do and go for it!

So that was our Short City Break to Copenhagen – would you consider visiting the city on a day trip from London?  Is this day trip just too crazy?


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