Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

August & September 2020: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…someone was a tad lazy…two months combined…time for a catch up!

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done Recently

Enjoyed walks at Duder Regional Park

August & September 2020: Life Update

Shakespeare Regional Park

August & September 2020: Life Update

…Mercer Bay Loop near Piha…

August & September 2020: Life Update

August & September 2020: Life Update

…North Head and Devonport…

August & September 2020: Life Update

August & September 2020: Life Update

Hunua Regional Park where you could see why we are on water restrictions in Auckland…check out the linked blog post to see the difference between January and August…

August & September 2020: Life Update

…One Tree Hill…it was windy as hell and I don’t like that feeling that I’m going to be blown off the edge of a volcano…

August & September 2020: Life Update

August & September 2020: Life Update

…we ventured far and wide as our local walk was not safe as nobody was social distancing.

When Auckland was released from the evil Level 3 travel ban…we were off…to visit Hamilton Gardens

August & September 2020: Life Update

…the Cherry Blossoms in the Waikato which is one of my favourite regions in New Zealand

August & September 2020: Life Update

August & September 2020: Life Update

Hobbiton…someone has waited years to visit this place…

August & September 2020: Life Update

….and Waiheke Island…even though the Island is in the Auckland region, travel wasn’t allowed and things did get out of hand by the locals on the island in the media.

August & September 2020: Life Update

August & September 2020: Life Update

August & September 2020: Life Update

^^This is officially what Auckland looked like this winter…you can’t complain about the weather here during these Covid lockdowns.

Organising my wardrobe (and my coat hanger OCD doesn’t like the mixed colours), still a way to go but its great to have a very large wardrobe for storage…

August & September 2020: Life Update

…to collecting insect cards…not me but it has become a thing…good marketing by Countdown…

August & September 2020: Life Update

drinking non alcoholic gin from New Zealand brand, Ecology during Level 3 lockdown in Auckland…it’s pretty darn good…I even found my eyeliner and lippy as these lockdowns do make you feel a bit drained…

August & September 2020: Life Update

…growing pains…these lockdowns have allowed me to grow my hair out easily due to cancelled hair cuts…silver lining and all that bollocks…

August & September 2020: Life Update

…and learning that I’m an extremely sore loser at monopoly when beaten (which doesn’t happen very often!)...and yes that is a Lord of the Rings edition that was purchased at Hobbiton or you can purchase here.

August & September 2020: Life Update

Life Things

Well I visited Jet Park Hotel in Auckland to pick someone up…this is the hotel that all the folks with Covid in Managed Isolation are transferred too…it’s our quarantine hotel…or the folks who arrive in NZ with symptoms…thankfully only symptoms in this case…however on departure, Auckland was in Level 3…some people were happy to be back in lockdown…

August & September 2020: Life Update

^^always sit up for video calls

…but it still meant we could go for walks which was a blessing but only in the Auckland region as we couldn’t leave the region and this was managed by the Police and Army…it was a mess especially for people working in essential services to cross the borders to enter and exit Auckland.

Thankfully the whole of New Zealand is back at level 1 as of yesterday.

Health Update

I’m plodding along at the moment…trying to exercise and eat as healthy as possible…I have the sugar police breathing down my neck at times!

Finally after months, I feel a little bit like myself…I do believe it’s to do a lot with the lockdown levels…once we hit level 1, I feel calmer and more secure but when the alert levels are lifted…well the anxiety increases as many medical establishments in NZ actually interpret the government rules differently hence you don’t know if you’re Arthur or Martha.

Plans for October 2020

My cousins wedding, some more exploring of the hood, walking, adding some colourful touches to my home, a rugby game…and who knows what else…2020 is definitely a year of many twists, turns and surprises.  Learning to embrace them all even when the path is the unknown.

Also…I have quite a few blog posts with photos….just need to add some words and a lot of these….and push post.

Annnnddddd…I keep thinking of changing my blog name and then something stops me but I feel like pulling the trigger this time…I have a couple of names in mind which celebrate the next phase of my journey.


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