Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

December 2019: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…the lucky last month of the year and it does feel lucky to me.

December 2019: Life Update

^^My handmade present from Robyn for Christmas…wonderful right!?!

Warning: this blog post contains a lot of selfies and mobile photos which aren’t great quality…and guess what, I don’t care! <insert evil laugh>

December 2019: Life Update

^^The Christmas Cake that Robyn also made…mama won’t allow us to eat it as yet!

Happy New Year…less than an hour to go here in New Zealand! I can’t wait to see in the new year.

December 2019: Life Update

Two lovely people that entered my life in the latter part of this year sent me these photos of the sun setting on 2019.

December 2019: Life Update

December 2019: Life Update

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

I started my new job this month which I’ve found rather interesting as it’s the first time I’ve worked for a medium sized company for a long time…and one where I see cash rather than just playing with numbers on a spreadsheet…

December 2019: Life Update

…vegan ice cream on Friday has become my thing.

December 2019: Life Update

I’m now a qualified Pilates instructor…

December 2019: Life Update

…and I’m not afraid to use my balls!

It was the 100 year anniversary of the death of my mama’s Croatian grandfather (my great grandfather) so we went to the cemetery…

December 2019: Life Update

…the tui’s were playing in the Pohutukawa trees and we had a tipple for Michael who is on the left (Mijo).

December 2019: Life Update

December 2019: Life Update

Happy to see the beginning of summer with beautiful dahlia blooms…

December 2019: Life Update

…what is even better is that it’s beach weather…

December 2019: Life Update

December 2019: Life Update

..the novelty was lost on me last year but definitely not this year…

December 2019: Life Update

….yes I have a t-shirt tan and wearing my first bikini in over a decade!  I don’t possess a perfect body but then neither do supermodels…that’s why they airbrush them folks!

Feeling rather tired from working a three day week, I slapped on a lot of warpaint to go out to a birthday party…

December 2019: Life Update

…definitely a tad too much make up…the views on the way home were lovely as I drove around the coast; it’s view like this that made me realise that I have made the right move.

December 2019: Life Update

Strawberry picking with Lisa…

December 2019: Life Update

…walking…I love walking when you have views like this!

December 2019: Life Update

Someone did have to give me a kick up the bottom to get me started walking again though over the festive period…I appreciate now that I have the ability to drive to a Regional Park unlike a lot of people…including one person stuck at anchorage for weeks.

December 2019: Life Update

Christine I think I’ve found the dress that I’m going to buy with the voucher you gave me for Christmas…

December 2019: Life Update

…what do you think?  Mind the summer holiday hair!

On the lucky last day of the year…I had an Indian cooking lesson from some family friends which I just loved…

December 2019: Life Update

…I learnt the basics and can’t wait to whip up some creations.

New Zealand Life

Obviously it was Christmas and mama went a little crazy…

December 2019: Life Update

…as per normal but we love it…

December 2019: Life Update

December 2019: Life Update

…Lisa is the Dessert Queen…as per normal…

December 2019: Life Update

…I do a last minute Christmas wrapping session…as per normal.

December 2019: Life Update

…and Pappy does all the Christmas cooking…as per normal!

December 2019: Life Update

I may have jumped into my pjs before dessert was served to fit everything in…

December 2019: Life Update

…no shame…and yes mama has her tongue in my ear.

December 2019: Life Update

December 2019: Life Update

^^My Christmas dress, a Monsoon special from eBay never worn with tags on…crazy right?!? The belt is 1970’s vintage.

Christmas may be over for mama but Easter is just around the corner!

December 2019: Life Update

I think the big update here is that I’ve started dating again…it’s weird and great at the same time…it’s taken a long time to get to this point but I finally feel at peace with myself and am ready to move on.

This month is also my one year anniversary of arriving home from the UK after close to 15 years of living abroad…and I finally have started to find my groove with certain things, mainly around opening myself up to new friendships.

December 2019: Life Update

I’ve made some really amazing friends over the past 6 months and I have a great friend that I met through blogging many years ago who has spent some time in Auckland recently which was a total blessing and I love her to pieces for giving me the kick up the bottom that I needed to get back out there.

Health Update

My body is gaining in strength day by day…and since Boxing Day I’ve made an effort to cut out my snacking and eating healthy and the scales have seen a massive result already.

December 2019: Life Update

I’m also trying to go for more walks outside to clear my mind.  I think it would be right in saying that my mind has had a lot to cope with over this month emotionally however I’ve proven to myself that I am strong even though at times I didn’t feel that way.

Plans for January 2020

I’m back at work from the 6th, I find it so weird not to be in the office on the 2nd working like they do in the UK but I’m not complaining…hello New Zealand Summer holidays and no year end till April!

Every month I’m going to find a new walk to conquer…I’m loving the word conquer at the moment and I know which one it will be.

Make some plans for my birthday in February…still undecided but would just like to get away for the weekend to celebrate my 40th…no party, just relaxing and enjoying the moment.  Last year I went on this walk and I loved doing something simple to celebrate, no fuss wanted or required.


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