Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


February 28, 2019

February 2019: Life Update

Hi De Hi campers!  It’s the lucky last day of February…my birthday month and the month I struggle to spell…thank goodness for spell check.

Places I’ve Visited this Month

I feel like I’ve blinked and missed part of February…but we still managed to do a day trip down to Putaruru for a birthday walk around the Blue Springs which were gorgeous…the best way to spend a birthday in New Zealand…fresh air, crystal clear water with chips and dip for dinner (not vegan but hey it was my birthday!). 

February 2019: Life Update

^^ And yes the water is that clear and yes those are back rolls!

We also headed out to enjoy dinner at the beach at Waitawa Regional Park which is one of my favourite Regional Parks in Auckland.

February 2019: Life Update  February 2019: Life Update

A visit to Auckland Domain to view the stunning lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Year was another highlight for the month.

February 2019: Life Update

Books I’ve Read

One in a Million by Lindsey Kelk – I absolutely adore the I Heart Series by Lindsey Kelk so I brought her latest book, One in a Million…I started this book a few months ago and put it down in the early chapters as I wasn’t feeling it; so this month I tried to start reading the book again and while I don’t think this is one of Kelk’s best books, it’s okay for a holiday read.  The main character has to make a random stranger into a social media unicorn to win a bet…it was a bit long winded at times (a bit like this blog post).

Click Here to Purchase

Love at Second Sight – this is actually a book aimed at the teenage market however I really liked the sweet story of meeting your soul mate again in another life.

Click Here to Purchase

In Pursuit of the Common Good: Twenty Five Years of Improving the World, One Bottle of Salad Dressing at a Time by Dr Paul Newman and AE Hotchner – I freaking loved this book and this was my favourite book that I’ve read so far this year.  I’ve always wanted to learn more about the back story of Newman’s Own and more importantly their philanthropy.  This is a story of just pure luck by two extremely down to earth men that have changed so many lives with their little bottles of salad dressing.

Click Here to Purchase

Ex-Expat Update

This month I was a bit up and down….I’m not going to lie!  I felt rather emotional about things but I’ve managed to get to the end of the month and that’s the main thing.

I started working mid-month; there were two roles available but one was just plain farting around and my fingers were desperate to play with a spreadsheet.  I’m hoping that I made the right choice on the job front as it makes all the difference when settling into a new country.  The best bit is that I’m learning more about sustainability and climate change while working in Finance which is exciting stuff!

February 2019: Life Update

^^arriving at work with a wet fanny…god I love this mirror, I’m more chunky than this in person!

My car arrived at the beginning of the month but it took an age to be released due to various checks but that’s okay as they’re protecting our biosecurity in New Zealand and that’s pretty darn important.

We were able to pick up the car after its customs clearance and bring it home last weekend…it’s the weirdest feeling ever having my little car in New Zealand…it also meant that I could play with my box of goodies which were packed inside my car which included ski boots, 3 merino wool tops, gloves and a fur lined hat…totally what I needed to add to my wardrobe during summer.

My household contents arrive on the 3rd of March after taking an extended holiday in Singapore….I’ve never seen a container sit in a transhipment port for as long as this bloody container did but it’s on the way now….well on the way to Tauranga not Auckland…I’m kinda over this whole shipment now if I’m honest.  I can’t wait to go through everything and just have another large declutter!

February 2019: Life Update

New Zealand Life 

Holy Moly, I’m getting used to so many different things however the big one is accents….there’s a lot of English folks living in NZ now so you can’t escape the British accent…I’ll be concentrating and then boom I hear a New Zealand accent and that throws me.

My accent is also causing people to get confused as it’s swinging between Kiwi and English.  While a few people in the UK thought my accent was very Kiwi, mainly outside of London and in my old office as there were only 5 foreigners in the office of over 1000 staff so my accent was very noticeable on site…my kiwi slang probably didn’t help either…Asking Brits if they’re a box of fluffies or telling them to rattle their dags stops them in their tracks.

One thing that I never did was to “put on” an accent as I just think that’s pretty sad and not who I am…what you heard is what you got…and that was fine and dandy with me.  G has always told me that I’ve never had a really strong Kiwi accent but you can hear it occasionally with certain words…the high pitched words like terminal and eggs!

But holy moly, the Kiwi accent is strange to hear on-mass in the office.

February 2019: Life Update

Even though I’m catching the train into the city for work…I have done a bit of driving recently in Auckland and bloody hell…when the lights change to orange make sure you check your rear view mirror before stopping…when did orange and red traffic lights mean…proceed!  I was told that they meant stop!  Driving and phone usage…don’t get me started!

February 2019: Life Update


I’m continuing to find mindfulness in my walking which is choice but I need to take that walking outside.  I walk from Britomart along the waterfront to my office instead of taking a shorter route clogged with cars or the bus….every little bit of exercise helps them hips.

February 2019: Life Update

I’m still trying to fit in P.Volve however am just trying to find the balance with work and exercise at the moment.

Health Update

I wish I could say the iron tablets were working but they’re not unfortunately…still feeling knackered and my poor colon is shredded to bits.  Have had to eat some red meat to see if that will help my iron deficiency.

February 2019: Life Update

^^ Queen Elizabeth in port this morning

Plans for March

March is a busy birthday month in our family with Lisa’s birthday tomorrow and Dad’s mid-month….Daddy’s is a big birthday this year!  Plus we have a few other birthdays to celebrate during the month…all these March babies were conceived at the beginning of a New Zealand winter.

Lisa, Mama and I are off on a Water Safari on Sunday…I should probably tell you now, I’m no good on the water…totally have no sea legs at all so wish me luck!

February 2019: Life Update

As Easter and Anzac Day fall in the same week here in April…we are trying to work out where to go for a holiday…initially thinking Brisbane to visit family however flights are silly money…it’s cheaper to fly to China weirdly!

So that was February 2019…over and out!


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