Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

July 2020: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…toodles July…you weren’t the easiest of months but we got there in the end!

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

I moved into my new home which was exciting…I found earrings I forgot that I had bought, like these ones from Toledo in Spain

July 2020: Life Update Earrings from Toledo Spain

…and how you move necklaces when moving homes…you just put them all on…still love my purchases from Poland

July 2020: Life Update

…so we went looking for a new sofa in Farmers…if you do buy something large anywhere in the world, please go into your local store to support them as each store needs sales at the moment to keep them open…

July 2020: Life Update Sofa Shopping in Farmers New Zealand

…dry July bought some interesting new brands to my intention…totally have no regrets with the non alcoholic gin from New Zealand brand, Ecology…I’m just waiting for that Trans Tasman bubble to open up so my gin buddy can fly over…think its going to be a looooooonnnnnng wait…

July 2020: Life Update

…went for a lovely walk along the seafront in Auckland…it wouldn’t be Auckland without roadworks and cones…

July 2020: Life Update

…trying to be healthy so back on the old fruit smoothies with prunes…to keep me regular…(my pouf I bought in Morocco on my very first visit way back in 2003)

July 2020: Life Update

…apple season…apple with peanut butter is my jam…

July 2020: Life Update

…brunch date at Winona Forever with Teresa…I will be backkkkkk…you can see why I needed the smoothies and apples right…to balance this out…

July 2020: Life Update Winona Forever Parnell Auckland New Zealand

…and Miann in Britomart for a cake date with Mama and Lisa…

July 2020: Life Update

…I joined my family at the Grand Windsor Hotel for their little staycation…the top suite is amazing!

Life Things

It’s coming up to the New Zealand election and one topic that everyone seems to be focussing on is payment for the Managed Isolation for all new arrivals into New Zealand…

July 2020: Life Update

…everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject and if I’m really honest, I’m 50/50 on the subject about charging returnees.

Maybe as I’ve benefited from the free scheme and understand how difficult it is to get back to New Zealand…it’s truly a fucking disaster outside of our New Zealand borders folks.  We live in a tiny bubble at present with closed borders and it’s really difficult to grasp the reality of what is happening elsewhere until you experience it yourself.

Totally understand the ongoing frustration of the idiots whom are escaping managed isolation in New Zealand as I spent 11 weeks working from home before I was allowed to go to work as I was deemed vulnerable during the New Zealand lockdown and these idiots put New Zealanders at risk.

All we are asking is 2 weeks, 2 weeks…all of the Kiwis in New Zealand at the time of Level 4 lockdown did more than 2 weeks!  If you want to come home then be ready to suck it up buttercup and don’t try to escape and put the rest of us at risk please.  We worked bloody hard as a country to be Covid 19 free in the community.

I had an interesting conversation with a friend last week about how quickly the New Zealand government actually got us into a full lockdown…it was only a couple of days…no online shopping, no takeaways and only walks from your house.

The use of beeping Covid updates on tv, radio and our mobiles was enough to scare most New Zealanders into the lockdown along with the 1pm daily press conferences (it was very Harry Potterish)…it was only when my friend mentioned the beeping that I realised that it had stopped.

We may have low Covid numbers here in New Zealand (all currently in managed isolation at the NZ border) but we went hard fast which was much needed.  However the ongoing mental health issues ever since and the shortage of qualified staff to help the vulnerable in New Zealand is lacking at present.  Every establishment is full.  This needs to be addressed urgently by our government as we have very vulnerable kiwis that need help and can’t get the support that they deserve…and they were all part of the team of 5 million.

Health Update

I had an iron infusion and as per normal, my spirits lifted almost immediately and I started sleeping better…next step is trying to get 8 hours of sleep a night!

July 2020: Life Update

Normally I have my iron infusions at the Doctors but this time it was at Auckland Hospital…so had a lovely view of the Sky Tower

July 2020: Life Update

Plans for August 2020

I have a house guest coming…I’m going to exercise more as now have the energy to do so again which is great and I’m going to conquer my bloody oven before it conquers me!


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