Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

November 2019: Life Update

Hi De Hi Campers…I feel like I’ve achieved a lot this month and finally lived a bit!

November 2019: Life Update

Warning: this blog post contains a lot of selfies and mobile photos which aren’t great quality…and guess what, I don’t care! <insert evil laugh>

Places I’ve Visited and Things I’ve Done this Month

After returning from Brisbane last month, I’ve had time to reflect on my life as not working gives you time to not just recover but also to work out what you want to achieve long term…we started off the month with a lovely picnic at the beach…spring evenings are lovely…

November 2019: Life Update

November 2019: Life Update

November 2019: Life Update

November 2019: Life Update

^^my new unicorn cups for my picnic basket…from Kmart and I freaking love them!

…choosing my fabrics for my mid century furniture…the interior designer told me that I was very flamboyant in personality and that my choices reflected this…learnt a lot about mixing, colours and textures…

November 2019: Life Update

…I decided to become a Pilates Instructor (yes I’m still going to be an accountant!)...I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with this new outlet but I see it as a good way to help others and have enjoyed offering free classes to women in the community who couldn’t afford a class otherwise…not every hobby needs to bring in money…giving back is payment enough…

November 2019: Life Update

^^after completing my first classes in the park…it was terrifying but exciting at the same time…a wise person told me not to think and just relax…wise words.

…I have a no judgment rule in my classes and its amazing how quickly the ladies relax

November 2019: Life Update

^^off to study!

…you know how I love pastel shades…I own a plain boring old yoga mat…yeah nah…

November 2019: Life Update

…I had a wonderful road trip up to Northland for a long weekend and visited Whangarei, Kerikeri…

November 2019: Life Update

November 2019: Life Update

November 2019: Life Update

^^I’ve fallen off the plant based wagon good and proper and that’s okay…I’m going to go for balance going forward.

..and the Whangarei Heads where I stayed with a lovely former work colleague…the views were amazing along with the company…

November 2019: Life Update

November 2019: Life Update

…spending Sunday morning relaxing and painting…when your 8 year old painting partner changes the rules of the game half way through from roses to mountains!

November 2019: Life Update

^^ really love using watercolours as its a fun way of relaxing

November 2019: Life Update

Lisa and I popped down to Thames…just wanted to get a feel for the place as still undecided on where I want to move too…

November 2019: Life Update

…I think I just need to ask for some divine guidance again!

Was a really bad New Zealand tourist guide to a lovely friend before she went back to Australia…we visited Hamilton Gardens which is one of my favourite destinations in New Zealand (click here and here to see the reasons why!)…

November 2019: Life Update

^^when the big girls join the little girl for a paddle!  You’re never too old for a paddle…remove the shoes and relax!

…sitting under the trees watching the world go by…

November 2019: Life Update

…eating dolly mix from M&S…the best dolly mix in the world I might add…I can confirm there were tears of happiness…

November 2019: Life Update

…and then over to Waiheke Island for Gin!

November 2019: Life Update

6 shots before lunch time on an empty tummy…the shots were straight as well…obviously a number of giggles were had!

November 2019: Life Update

^^First one…cool as a cucumber almost!

November 2019: Life Update

^^Towards the end…old grandpa cardigan was off and had to jump up and down to distribute the gin through my body!

November 2019: Life Update

Baking was done…the kiwi classics of course…

November 2019: Life Update

…and just seeing how quickly the gardens change in New Zealand, summer feels like it has made an appearance early looking at how the garden is flourishing.

November 2019: Life Update

New Zealand Life

Christmas fever has hit and if you want to see crazy, you just need to visit Kmart!

Mama is up to 6 Christmas trees inside the house at the moment…

November 2019: Life Update

…and she keeps on going like the little train that could with the decorating!

I’m only buying Christmas presents for 4 people this year and there’s a cap on what I’m going to spend…but I’ve made my own Christmas Cards; they’re not perfect but I think painting your own Christmas Cards and then writing a lovely message is more worthwhile that struggling and cursing your way through a shopping mall.

Remember to do Christmas the way you want!

I’m fast approaching my one year anniversary of moving home to New Zealand and I think I’m finally embracing and accepting the New Zealand life with all the quirks that it entails.  The first year wasn’t easy…if you haven’t moved to the opposite side of the world, you’ll never understand the ups and downs, the comparisons and the “have I made the right decision” moments.


A lot of pilates as my training is almost complete…my posture is 100% better I think and I’m starting to feel more toned.

Health Update

No major issues in November which is great news…I’m taking that as a positive.  Still wear myself out quite easily if I have a long day so I’m careful at building in naps, fresh air and rest periods so I don’t crash and burn.

November 2019: Life Update

Plans for December

Start my new job…which I’m now excited about as I was petrified I would make a wrong choice again but they’ve promised a work life balance that I’m looking for.  Sorting out my mid century furniture; the cost is going to freak me out but I love the uniqueness of second hand furniture especially when you can put your own spin on it.  Lots of giggles as mama’s Christmas grotto attracts a lot of visitors.  Tiki tours with Lisa!  And of course more Pilates!

November 2019: Life Update


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