This month the travel link up topic is the most interesting character you’ve met while travelling and two guys immediately jumped into my head and made me giggle. So why not join Emma, Rebecca and our guest host this month, Molly from Travel with Molly as we share our many travel stories.
A few years back I jumped on an Explore Tour with Lisa to Belarus; the tour included a very crazy mix of characters including our very own Prince Philip and Camilla! Lisa and I immediately fell in love with Aussie Phil and Scottish Kenny just through their ability to make us laugh especially as every time we stayed in a new hotel they were in the room next to us and aptly named our room the creche (we were the youngest on the tour!).
Aussie Phil; well travelled (and I mean extremely well travelled, he had ticked off almost every country in the world when we met him) and always laughing – a great person to have on a tour especially with a number of stern retired teachers onboard. He crossed every line possible and nothing was barred including stripping down to his bright green mankini to go swimming. When one of our tour leaders opened her arms asking us to come closer he took this as an invitation for a cuddle. (Main photo is Aussie Phil)
I ended up bringing one of his bags back to the UK as I had a better luggage allowance than him as he was jetting over to watch the Olympic Games in London. As the lovely person that I am, I washed all his clothes including hand washing the mankini (G thought this to be extremely odd but hey ho!) and as a thank you he took me to watch the boxing.
Scottish Kenny; when we met Kenny at Warsaw airport he told us he didn’t trust men with long hair and thought they were idiots – he made this comment about a follow passenger on the tour and he was correct; he was a big giant plonker! He’s Scottish and didn’t mince his words which always made us giggle. We had so much time for him and loved hearing about his travels tales. What made us made giggle even more was he was forced to be a roomie to Aussie Phil; even though he rolled his eyes at Phil I’m pretty sure they were enjoying a rather juicy bromance! (Bottom middle photo is Kenny and a rather fetching pic of me!)
Probably one of the most unflattering photos ever of two spinsters in training in Belarus; it was hot, we were covered in polyester, it was compulsory and we were having a blast!
I loved our trip to Belarus and I think it was made even more special by these two crazy characters, Prince Philip, Camilla and our bird crazy driver that would scream to Kenny whenever he spotted an interesting bird.

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