Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

Tiki Tour New Zealand: Muriwai Beach & Piha

I think it’s safe to say that we did quite a few Tiki Tours (Duder Regional Park and Hunua Falls) when I was home in New Zealand including visiting Muriwai Beach and Piha for the very first time…yes this Aucklander had never ever visited Piha before…actually none of us had so we thought we better check it out as it’s one of those destinations that is splattered all over instagram like no ones business and we wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

After dad had a minor nip and tuck in the morning, we jumped in the car for a drive out to West Auckland…we live in South Auckland and promptly got caught in Auckland traffic…as you do!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

We weren’t stuck for too long and made it to Muriwai Beach…it’s pretty gorgeous don’t you think….it’s a black sand beach…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…but we came to perve on some birds…you could smell them before you could see them…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.


New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

And I mean a lot of smelly gannets!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

As much as I’m afraid of birds, it did all look rather beautiful and romantic…crashing waves, black sand and ummm birds.  I should point out that I do really enjoy eating roast chicken so I’m not afraid of all birds…thought I should clear that up.

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

^^If you look really close you can see a crazy man fishing

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

^^For those of you that need to visit spec savers!

The views over Muriwai Beach from the Gannet Colony are spectacular…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…ahhh New Zealand you are something quite special.

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

In typical Auckland fashion, the weather decided to turn…for those thinking of visiting New Zealand in December…it can be summed up by the Crowded House hit, Four Seasons in One Day…from blue skies…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…to oh crap, I didn’t bring my thermals with me!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

Okay thermals probably weren’t needed but on a West Auckland surf beach, well you need something to protect yourself from the chilly willy wind.

We left the gannet colony and headed around a little further to Muriwai Beach…where we made sure we took a photo between the flags….

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…seriously it’s December…which fool goes swimming at a beach in December in New Zealand…apart from a lot of bloody crazy tourists that generally look like Miss Piggy as they didn’t apply suncream.

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

^^Why hello Mr Lifeguard!

Feeling slightly peckish, we stopped and purchased some rather over priced hot chips from the Muriwai Cafe…seriously the place is way over priced…think London prices then add more.  We pigged out on the chips as we drove around the coast to Piha…I will apologise now if you see Pita come up in this blog post…I do actually mean Piha however my computer is auto correcting.

So Piha is split between North Piha and South Piha…who knew!?!  So we ended up at South Piha first…it was starting to rain…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…told you typical Auckland weather…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…it was a perfect day for surfing…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…or taking a million and one photos of Lion Rock…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…and some footprints snaps in the black sand which is a real pain in the bum trying to remove from your feet!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

^^case in point

We then drove around to the North Piha side…Lion Rock separates the two and you can climb it however we didn’t…it was wet and windy and dad was acting like a hand brake about his ear hurting…honestly he had a bit of ear removed and then he didn’t think he could climb a huge rock (I jest…he was rather well behaved in the circumstances especially when he had three moaning myrtles in the car with him or to quote my dad…you’re moaning more than a Parisian hooker on a Friday night…shall we just stick with the moaning myrtles).

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

I much preferred the North Piha side…it’s probably the more famous of the two…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…I guess South Piha could be called the ugly sister really!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

^^^That giant rock on the right looks like a big erect <insert word here>…you know the word I’m talking about but with a kink in it!

Of course we took a million and one photos…(thanks Lisa for the photo)…Dad and I in the zone…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…while Lisa photobombed my photo wearing her gangster Alannah Hill hoodie!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

Yes Piha, you’re a beauty…

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

…wild and wonderful!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

And then when I thought things couldn’t get more wonderful…I spotted this letterbox…only in New Zealand!

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.

So where is your favourite spot in New Zealand?  Have I tempted you to book a flight to Auckland yet?

New Zealand Travel InspirationLooking for things to do in Auckland City then why not visit the super popular Auckland West Coast beaches including Muriwai Beach with it's Gannet Colony and Piha Beach which is perfect for surfing! These two destinations should be on your New Zealand Bucket List. Click on the link to see more photos and travel tips for Auckland, New Zealand.


If you liked this post on Tiki Tour New Zealand: Muriwai Beach & Piha then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramFacebook and Pinterest – I won’t bite!

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