Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

Visiting All The English Counties 10/48Visiting Castle Combe, Wiltshire

So who would have thought that someone would get excited about driving along the M4…well I almost had kittens and for one reason only…so I could finally visit Castle Combe in Wiltshire and tick off another English county!  Luckily for me, Castle Combe isn’t that far off the M4 and we were driving back from our rather blink and you miss it visit to Cardiff so G really couldn’t say no to me…and I’m a kiwi so no is always a yes.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

I’m going to say right now…Castle Combe did live up to all my expectations bar one…I didn’t spot a tea room that was open…first world problems I know.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

We parked the car at the top car park and walked down (like they advise you to do so not to congest the tiny village with it’s narrow road…but you know how people are…they’re all about themselves…please feel free to give these people an evil glare!).  The walk down doesn’t take too long (maybe 5-10 mins depending on how much grumbling the Englishman is doing behind you) and you get some pretty photos…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…then funny photos…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…and then pretty again photos on the way into the village.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

I managed to spot a few awesome pieces of door porn for me to “collage” at some point in the future *coughs* mind the green bin (nice to know they recycle in Wiltshire!)

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…and another door…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…shock horror, another one…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…one last one! (eek…maybe not!)

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

Once you get into the centre of Castle Combe, there will be a rainbow that directs you to Unicorn Cottage…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…where you will be sprinkled in instagram gold dust and allowed to ride the unicorns….in exchange you will get loads of likes on your instagram photos. (I’m fibbing about the unicorns but not about the likes!)

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

^^ It’s rather pretty don’t you think?

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

^^And this is where unicorns head to for their staycations in England!

Venturing past a number of honey coloured cottages…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…I found the spot that every other visitor to Castle Combe had found before me….

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…it was totally worth it for that view!  Gotta love being a tourist!

After admiring the view and taking a few hundred photos of exactly the same view…just in case my camera didn’t save the first 250 photos to the memory card…I wandered back up to the top of the village…of course, taking a few more photos…are you ready…Castle Combe is like raindrops on roses…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…whiskers on kittens…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…bright cooper kettles…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…warm woollen mittens…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…brown paper packages tied up with string…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…these are a few of my favourite things!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings….

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…These are a few of my favourite things!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…Silver white winters that melt into springs…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…These are a few of my favourite things!

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

When the dog bites, when the bee stings…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…When I’m feeling sad…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…I simply remember my favourite things…

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!

…And then I don’t feel so bad!

Travel Tips for Castle Coombe, Wiltshire

  • Use the car park at the top of the village and walk down (it’s an easy walk)
  • Wear sturdy shoes for the walk up and down…imagine it would be slippery on a wet day (and take a hankie as well…don’t use your sleeve…plus make sure you’re wearing clean knickers like your mother told you to do!)
  • Take cash and there were a few little honesty stores where you could buy cake…make sure you leave the right money and don’t ruin it for the people who follow you
  • When the sign states “Private Property…Do No Enter”, it does mean exactly that…don’t climb over someone’s property to get a photo…it’s rude, disrespectful and you will ruin it for others
  • Of course there were a couple of drinking establishments to grab a pint

Have you visited Castle Combe or Wiltshire before – what are your thoughts on the village and county?  You can check out more at the Visit Wiltshire website.

England Travel InspirationThe perfect day trip from London or Cardiff exploring Wiltshire and the beautiful village of Castle Combe. Castle Combe is located in the Cotswolds and has been used in many movies due to it's beautiful honey coloured cottages. Click the link to read my Castle Combe Travel Tips!


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