Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

Visiting All The English Counties 12/48Belton House, Lincolnshire

I feel very lucky to call Rachel a friend, after many a gluten free cake date…I asked if she fancied a little road trip up to Lincolnshire to visit two National Trust properties and have a picnic…Rachel accepted (I know where she lives now…insert evil laugh).  Belton House was our second stop of the day…you know how I like to do things backwards on the blog…and the property was on my Jane Austen bucket list!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

^^^Yes that’s Rosings!

Lady Catherine de Bourgh lived here in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice and I fancied a little instagram cliche…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…complete with some bonnet action; I’m not going to win an instagram pose contest any time soon!  Rachel and I were hot, hot, hot…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…summer had finally arrived in England and there is nowhere better to be than in some gorgeous English gardens.  You would think with monkey length arms I would have this selfie action down but alas these super long arms just take up half of the photo instead!

A little stroll around the gardens was required as we have scoffed a rather calorific picnic at the first National Trust property we visited earlier in the day…we found a lovely lady reading a book amongst the lavender so we left her in peace…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…I love how English gardens can look so wild and free however their appearance is deceptive, there is a lot of hard work involved…G’s mum is constantly gardening and her garden is beautiful (mine resembles a jungle, I proudly showed G’s mum a beautiful pink flower the other day…apparently it was a weed…to be fair, I’m not sure how the flower had got there in the first place!)

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…we found a little church playing peek-a-boo in the gardens…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…and then found the coolest place in the gardens, The Orangery…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…we wandered around between the assortment of foliage…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…rather large…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…and rather fanciful boobilicious foliage!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

It wouldn’t be a proper English garden until someone got naked…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…there’s always one ready to show off their bits to the world!

Leaving the pretty Orangery behind, we walked back into the main gardens…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…and towards the house….

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…where a lovely little couple were sitting together under the shade (they were sensible folks!)…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…shhh don’t tell anyone but one of those vintage cars from all the pretty London instagram accounts has escaped to Lincolnshire, obviously it needed a little holiday before it’s next close up…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…we found a lady flashing in the courtyard…she showed us her boobie and to be honest, I’ve got bigger so she should have kept herself covered!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

^^Know your audience love!

While the back of Belton House is instantly recognisable to Pride and Prejudice fans, the front of the house isn’t…

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

…when we first arrived, I had thought to myself…hmmm…this doesn’t look right……but thankfully it was!

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

Belton House is managed by The National Trust, so you get free entry if you’re a member (£13.10 entry per adult if you’re not) and it’s a gorgeous spot to visit especially if you have kids that need open spaces to run wild.  If you’re undecided if you should buy a British Heritage pass then check out this handy little guide to help make up your mind.

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!

Have you visited Belton House before – what did you think of this National Trust property?  Are you a Jane Austen fan, if so, what’s on your Jane Austen bucket list?

England Travel InspirationA day touring the National Trust properties in Lincolnshire including Belton House which featured as Rosings in the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice. Click the link to read my Lincolnshire Travel Tips!


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