Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

10 of My Favourite New Zealand Bloggers

New Zealanders are renowned for their laid back approach to life and after reading a number of blogs lately I’ve come to realise that New Zealand Bloggers bring this quality to their blogs while oversharing and offering pretty darn honest reviews.  I thought it was time that I shared 10 of my favourite New Zealand bloggers with you all so please check them out!

Katherine from Lady Loves Cake


Ahh Katherine’s blog offers calorie free reading however you will be tempted to book an afternoon tea or three…and this Biscuiteers Afternoon Tea just looks amazing, it’s gone straight to the top of my wish list.

Emma from Adventures of a London Kiwi


Emma’s blog has everything you need to know about London including how to be a London Transport Ninja; so if you’re looking for something quirky to do in London then definitely check out Emma’s blog.

Rebecca from Runaway Kiwi


Two words – Gin Monster!  I love Rebecca’s blog especially this post on 17 of the most overused terms in Blogland (I’m guilty of a number of them!).

Jessi from Two Feet One World


Jessi’s blog has everything you would need to know if you’re planning a months holiday to Europe from New Zealand from things to do to places to eat (extremely helpful if you’re dairy free as well!)

Sara from Big World Small Me


Sara’s blog showcases her adventures around Europe and further afield and if you’re thinking of heading to the Maldives then make sure you check out Sara’s honeymoon posts.

Manasi from In her 30s


Looking at having dinner out for a special occasion or a quick bit to eat in the big smoke then make sure you check out Manasi’s blog; her reviews are honest and extremely balanced regardless if they’re complimentary or not!

Megan from Blogger at Large


Megan is actually a blogger based in New Zealand (phew one blogger that I follow that’s finally based in NZ!) and she offers fabulous travel tips especially if you’re planning a trip around the South Pacific.

Ngaire from Kiwi Footprints


Ngaire is currently exploring South America so her blog is currently filled with fabulous advice on this region of the world!  Word of warning, Ngaire’s photos are incredible and will have you booking a plane ticket.

Frankie from The Mayfairy


I’ve only started Frankie’s blog recently and I love it already; seriously this girl just says it as it is!  Respect!  (P.S. I’m slightly worried about my March horoscope though…)

Liz from Passport Packed


If you’re thinking of visiting Spain then you definitely need to check out Liz’s blog for travel tips; I will be stalking her blog as I really would love to visit Madrid this year.  Fingers crossed I will fall in love with Spain on my third visit!

Who are your favourite New Zealand Bloggers?  Hit me up with some new New Zealand blogs to follow please!

Oh and just incase you didn’t know; I’m a New Zealand Blogger also!



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