Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 15, 2013

Looking After Your Skin While Travelling

For some reason while we’re travelling we tend to forget to look after our skin.  We have all fallen foul of not taking off our make up before getting into bed and frying our skin to look like Miss Piggy.  Here are some simple tips on how to look after your skin while travelling.

Keep it simple

Just take your normal skincare regime on holiday; if you use every potion sold on the market then consider just taking a cleanser, night serum, day cream and sunblock with you.  I swear by Ren products and they have handy little travel kits that you can buy in World Duty Free at Heathrow.


Making Up the Rules

I have a very simple make up regime when I’m at home and on holiday well it’s almost non existent.  For me I never leave home without my trusty Clinique Lash Power Mascara Long Wearing Formula (it only comes off in warm water) and a tinted SPF lip balm – sunburnt lips are not fun.

Remove all your make up

Take make up remover wipes with you on holiday so that there are no excuses!  If you can raise a glass of wine to your lips then you can wipe off all that make up regardless of how drunk you are.


Honestly I can’t tell you enough that the most important skincare tip is to slap on the sunblock.  Sunblock is your friend so don’t be afraid to use it and do reapply often.  It will save you money in the long run as the sun damages your skin and causes premature ageing.  I’m still shocked by how many Brits get sunburnt and think a tan is proof that they had a good time on holiday; two words folks – skin cancer! (and it’s preventable)

I love big hats

The bigger the better!  Embrace them, I even have a pinterest board!  Trust me you can get skin cancer on your scalp even with a head full of hair; I know and have the scar to prove it!

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Dealing with Sunburn

If you do get sunburnt then I swear by Rose Oil; my other half gets sunburnt (occasionally) while diving and the Rose Oil removes the sting plus the redness.

Face Masks

I have pretty big pores at the best of times but after any flight (short or long haul) you could park a double decker bus in each pore.  I swear by Ren’s Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask, it tightens everything back up and my skin feels and looks ten times better.


Water is your friend, make sure you drink plenty of it regardless of your destination.  I find I get rather dehydrated through the air conditioning in hotel rooms which causes me to get headaches while travelling.

So what are you skincare travelling tips?


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