Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


November 14, 2012

San Francisco to Las Vegas

Our next stop after San Francisco was to be Las Vegas which I was pretty excited about visiting; if we ever got there thanks to President Obama and Virgin America.

When G was booking our tickets between San Francisco and Las Vegas it was cheaper for us to book first class seats than economy as first class came with two free bags while you had to pay for your bags in economy class on Virgin America – G had two bags by this point of the trip from all his shopping! It was my first time flying first class and it was a lovely experience sitting there watching all the economy passengers get onto the plane while the cabin crew are serving you a drink.

For some reason Virgin America flights never seem to take off on time ever when we flew them and this flight was going to be no different.

We realised there was a problem when the mechanical staff spent a lot of time in the cock pit (something you get to see and hear about when sitting in first class). When they finally signed off the paper work and gave the pilot the go ahead to leave we then had to wait as President Obama was flying in on Air Force one for his big San Francisco party we had heard about on the news earlier in the day.  We like Obama so we had no problems waiting.  We were just about to take off when the plane developed a mechanical fault while waiting on the run way – better to happen there than up in the air so we had to go back to the terminal. So sitting there waiting for the plane to get fixed we actually saw Air Force One which was pretty exciting and G took numerous photos with his iPad.

 Finally our plane was deemed not fit to fly so we had to disembark and then re-board onto a new plane – thank goodness for sitting in first class (so I could watch all the economy passengers get on again – I did get value for money!)

Luckily for me I managed to purchased my second frozen yogurt for the day due to the delay – every dark cloud has a silver lining.

Finally we made it to Las Vegas and managed to get a taxi driver with a death wish or as G said – he seemed to think he was still running from rebels from his home country.

We had arrived at the craziest place on earth – Las Vegas!


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