Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 17, 2013

Gluten Free Dining at Claridge's Hotel, London

Claridge’s is my favourite London hotel; the service and the food are impeccable especially when it comes to their gluten free afternoon tea which is my number 1 in London but I decided it was high time to see what other gluten free dining options they had available so G and I had a lunch date.



We didn’t order any starters as we are more of a mains and dessert kind of eating team!

However bread did arrive but it wasn’t of the gluten free variety so G managed to scoff it all by himself…


Main Course

As I’ve never eaten a Beef Burger before I thought I would start with a burger from Claridge’s; so you aren’t confused I’ve always ordered a chicken burger just never a beef one until today…


A close up…it was a lot of meat and I don’t think I will eat another one any time soon only because if I’m going to eat beef then I want to eat a big juicy steak – that’s just my personal preference.  The beef wasn’t fatty and was cooked to perfection.  The gluten free burger bun was okay however it was a tad dry – Honest Burgers still do the best burger buns in London.  And yes that is a green salad (£7) you spot!


The Beef Burger (£28) comes with chips and onion rings however I had to pass the onion rings across to G as I’m intolerant to onions.  G did inform me they were the best onion rings he has ever eaten.


Possibly one of the best gluten free desserts I’ve ever tried!  Raspberry Bavarois with Rose Custard and Lemon Thyme (£13)..the flavours and textures were spot on.  You can see the dessert menu here.


For the Gluten Monsters

G also had the Beef Burger which he said is the best burger he has ever eaten in London!  He was so impressed he took a photo and sent to his friend to show off, it was definitely a man sized burger.



We stuck to juices (needed to balance all that meat out with some fruit i.e. orange juice!) but finished with a cup of tea (goodness, I am so becoming a Brit when it comes to tea).  The lovely folks at Claridge’s bought out chocolates and marshmallows with the tea, just when you thought you were about to pop you manage to chow down on some more food.  G and I had a falling out over a chocolate; he was reminded of the old expression “you snooze you loose”.


I’m pretty sure one day soon that one of those beautiful teapots is accidentally going to fall into my handbag and saying that I’m pretty sure I will be frisked every time I leave the hotel going forward!



It’s Claridge’s so it was perfection as you would expect.


We were tucked away in the Reading Room which is G’s favourite little spot at Claridge’s and away from the hustle and bustle of the Foyer.

Gluten Free Information

The menu (All Day Menu) doesn’t state which items are gluten free (something I am sure gluten and diary free folks would love to see going forward maybe) however the staff were clued up and when they weren’t too sure they contacted the kitchen to clarify.

Would I recommend – totally!  If you’ve never had a Beef Burger you might as well start at Claridge’s.  The menu offers gluten free diners a number of options in one of London’s best hotels, book it!  You can book directly via the Claridge’s Hotel in The Foyer and Reading Room website here.

So have you visited Claridge’s in London before – what did you think of the restaurant?  Is there anything else you would like me to add to the reviews going forward?  Where else do you recommend to try for a bit of Fine Gluten Free Dining?

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