Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


September 26, 2014

Introducing My Little Sister, Lisa

My little sister is my favourite person in the whole world and yes we do fight and get annoyed with each other occasionally but that’s what sisters do.  Lisa and I are very different, I’m loud while Lisa is quiet as a mouse; we dress differently (however I find I’m buying more glittery shoes which I’m blaming Lisa for!) but we also do have a lot in common though like our love of travel so I thought it would be great if Lisa could share her travel experiences on my blog each Friday.

80 pairs of shoes sheraton krakow poland review bar

I have this blog as a keep sake of all my adventures and as a way of letting love ones know what mischief I’ve been up too.   And so I don’t accept guest posts on my blog as its all about Me Me Me! However just occasionally I think I need to dial a friend and so I accept the odd guest post via my little sister (I only accept guest posts from my sister – tough I know!).  Proof that it’s not all about me, here are Lisa’s two previous blog posts on Poland and the Ukraine.

So the important facts you need to know about Lisa –

Lisa loves burgers, knows where to find the best beaches in Croatia, can do a million and one things in Singapore in 36 hours (including feeding a Rhino) and laughs in the face of luggage allowances – especially when she finds about 30 books that she wants to take home with her!

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Lisa enjoys taking long walks up to the top of Marjan Hill in Split on a hot summers day in beautiful Alannah Hill dresses and sparkly ballet flats.

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You can check Lisa out on Instagram or Twitter – just be warned her Instagram feed will give you itchy feet!  Proof on how great her instagram feed is!

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So next Friday stay tuned while Lisa does her first post about her recent trip to Queenstown in New Zealand.

But just to prove that she is on the look out for her next travel destination…

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If you liked this post on Introducing my Little Sister, Lisa then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramPinterest and Bloglovin’ – I won’t bite!

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