Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


September 24, 2014

The One Lovely Blog Award

It’s always nice to get nominated for an award especially when it’s from a lady that loves luxury travel and shoes as much as me!  So a big thank you to the lovely Angie from Silverspoon London; if you haven’t checked out Angie’s blog click here here or here.


So without further ado here are seven facts about me!

I’m a firm believer that shoes make a perfect travel souvenir 

gold topshop ballet flats france marseille art exhibition

I have no self control around food especially sweet stuff and I’m known to eat dessert first.

80 pairs of shoes best meal while travelling croatia ice cream

My sister is my favourite person in the whole wide world and is the best travel buddy you could wish for.  I love her to pieces and I have finally convinced her to write a friday blog post each week so stay tuned for that!

80 pairs of shoes krakow poland having a fun girly weekend in Krakow

Shock horror, I love camping under the stars in the middle of nowhere and meeting random locals like this gentleman in Syria.


I love daffodils and petunias as they looks so clumsy and happy, a bit like me really (there are no petunias in the below collage and only one photo of daffodils – sue me, I like the collage!)

80 pairs of shoes amsterdam gardens 2

I love love love Christmas and I’m looking forward to my week long christmas market tour around Germany with Christine.  You can never have enough nut crackers in your life!

80 pairs of shoes fortnum and mason christmas windows london

I’m quite boobilicous and I love big hats! 

kelly and g in marseille

And who do I nominate

Sammy from To The Days Like This – Sammy loves Christmas just as much as me!

Jenna from 30 before I’m 30 – check out Jenna’s blog as she moves back home to New Zealand after living abroad.

Anna from Penelope and Parker’s travels  – Anna knows how to travel in style and I just love reading her blog as she gives me a serious case of wanderlust.

The rules:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you.

2. Add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your blog.

3. Share seven facts about yourself

4. Nominate some other “lovely” blogs to receive the award.


If you liked this post on The One Lovely Blog Award then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramPinterest and Bloglovin’ – I won’t bite!

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