Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


November 22, 2014

Let me introduce you to #Sockember

It’s coming up the chilly season in the Northern Hemisphere and that means one thing, cold tootsies so I’ve devised an evil plan called #Sockember – this December I’m going to wear a different crazy pair of novelty socks each day!


Why; well my sock draw has got a bit bland lately as its filled with boring black socks and December is the month of giving and socks are the perfect gift.  To quote Dumbledore, “One can never have enough socks” hence why I’m forcing the guys at my work to have a Sock Secret Santa this year.

I’ve done a bit of research and found some great websites that sell blooming awesome socks that are going to pop your shoes right off.  Feel free to join in and share photos of your crazy sock choices during December on twitter and instagram using the hashtag #sockember

Let’s not have a bland and boring sock draw this winter!

Sock Shop Novelty Socks

Above: Sock Shop Socks – My Little Cup Cake Socks; Superman Cape Socks; It’s All About Me Socks; Muppet Socks; Sesame Street Socks, Striped Socks; Who Wants a Kiss Socks; Present Socks

Asos Novelty Socks

Above: Asos Socks  – Donut Socks; Lace Pug Socks; Pineapple Socks; Popcorn Socks; Farm Animal Socks; Elf Socks; Kangaroo Socks; Christmas Pudding Socks

Let me know if you fancy joining in and you can search my daily sock choices via my Instagram account right here!  If you know any fabulous sock websites please let me know.

If you have a moment would you mind voting for me in the #UKBA15 Blog Awards pretty please with cherries on top by clicking right here!


If you liked this post on Let me introduce you to #Sockember then why not come and join me on TwitterGoogle+InstagramPinterest and Bloglovin’ – I won’t bite!

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