Wow we’re on the slippery road towards Christmas now and I will just put it out there and say I have started my Christmas shopping. I sound super organised but in reality I’m not! A bit like my travel personality really. Come and join Emma, Rebecca and our co-host Catherine from Lux Life Blog as we dish the dirt on our travel personalities for the July Travel Link Up.
I think most people who have read my blog know what I’m like but just in case you only flick through to see the photos rather than reading my babble…here you go!
I think it’s safe to say that I am a very traveller these days but ironically I don’t use the website to book my travels. G and I leave for Hong Kong on Monday and ummm we have our first night booked but need to sort out another three nights accommodation while we are in Hong Kong; there’s another day tomorrow….or we can sort it out when we check in for our first night…it will be peachy I’m sure!
^^ Looking forward to a room with a harbour view when I get around too booking it! (image credit)
The panic packer
I seriously work better under A LOT of pressure….no pressure and nothing gets done! I’m one of those crazy people that will do everything BUT pack and then when it’s time to panic well I just chuck it all into my luggage and hope for the best with about three minutes to spare (I would need to pee at least twice in those three minutes which drives G crazy before we head to the airport; thought I would just over share).
The passport checker
I then check my passport every five minutes on the way to the airport….just in case it has decided to jump out of my hand bag and thrown itself out the car window while making our way to Heathrow. I live with that fear that I will leave it at home one day….G had a dream the other night that he left his passport at home and only found out when he got the airport right before our flight to Hong Kong and apparently I, yes me went back to Bedfordshire to collect his passport….he got a very stern talking too about this dream as I hope it doesn’t become a reality.
See Food Eat Food Travel Diet
When I’m travelling I’m always concerned where my next meal is coming from…I think about food a lot…men apparently think about sex every seven seconds….well I think about food every seven seconds and it better be instagram worthy!
The Travel Paparazzi
I probably take five hundred photos when one photo will do….however what happens if someone steals my camera or phone…I need to take the same photo with each and then what happens if one of the photos is blurry….well lets just take five photos on the camera and phone….then there’s the close up, the long shot, on an angle shot….that’s why I currently have 13,000 photos on my phone from the last 6 months alone!
^^Still my most favourite photo of my little sister and I together in Krakow! I love you Lisa!
The Sistine Chapel
I don’t really research much stuff before I head away…I just hope for the best. That’s possibly why I still haven’t visited The Sistine Chapel which I thought was in Paris…yeah I’m pretty ditzy! Who knew that it was in the Vatican City?!
My travel personality is pretty blooming flawed! So spill…are you in the same travel personality camp as me (I want to be camp mother if you are, just saying it up front so no fights – the role of camp leader is still available if you want to join the disorganised traveller camp that actually stays in a lot of 5 star hotels) or are you the absolute control freak that has everything booked months in advance.

If you liked this post on the Travel Link Up: My Travel Personality then why not come and join me on Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest – I won’t bite!