Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


December 29, 2014

Afternoon Tea at Bake-A-Boo

Afternoon Tea at Bake-A-Boo had been on my wish list for yonks so one very bright November afternoon I ventured to West Hampstead to meet Lady Loves Cake for a cake date before her little Flap Jack arrived.  I’ve come to the conclusion that Kiwi ladies love cake dates!



While I loved the gluten free bread, I wasn’t too fussed on the fillings which consisted of only egg or cucumber.  Cucumber will never touch my lips as I hate it so much so I was disappointed that there wasn’t an option of different fillings available – thank goodness I love egg sandwiches.



The scones did pass my gluten free scone test – they were easy to cut into, they didn’t break a tooth and they tasted yummy however as the photos show the scone was extremely dry and just crumbled everywhere.



The gluten free pastries consisted of a cupcake, mini sponge cake, sherbet filled sweets and chocolate dipped strawberries.  I was slightly disappointed with the pastries on offer as I was expecting more; not quantity wise but this is a cake shop that specialises in gluten free cakes so I was expecting a bit more creativity with the pastry selection than chocolate covered strawberries.


And if I’m going to be brutally honest, I found the pastries to be over sweet – the cakes may not contain gluten but they were packed full of sugar, too much for my liking.


For the life of me I can’t remember the tea that I had, I was in a sugar coma but I do remember I drunk a lot of it!


If you look up cute in the dictionary you will find a picture of Bake-A-Boo; it’s everything that I expected – it was girly and the perfect place to hold a tea party.  The space for the parties is beautiful but I did find the table that we were seated at was a bit tight space wise.



No complaints about the service, everything was delivered when requested.

If you just fancy picking up a gluten or dairy free cupcakes there is a grand selection of treats to tickle your taste buds and leaving with just one will be difficult.


Would I recommend the Afternoon Tea at Bake-A-Boo?  Yes however expect to leave in a sugar coma and for the price of £17.50 you really can’t go wrong especially with the beautiful girly interior.

The booking process is a little long winded where you make a booking via email, then you are provided with a form to fill out (that you need to send back) and then you need to make half the payment via bank transfer to confirm your booking.  It wasn’t the easiest afternoon tea booking I’ve ever made.


So have you visited Bake-A-Boo before – what are your thoughts on the gluten free treats?  Were you impressed? Would love to hear your thoughts.


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