Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


August 29, 2013

Afternoon Tea at Teapots, Olney

While I love having Afternoon Tea in posh hotels in London; I do find that the traditional tea rooms scattered around the United Kingdom offer fabulous Afternoon Teas for a fraction of the price.

Situated on the border of Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire is the delightful little market town of Olney – if you are in the area make sure you stop and pop into the cute collection of tiny shops for a spot of shopping and Afternoon Tea at Teapots, especially if you are gluten free.

teapots olney afternoon tea buckinghamshire bedfordshire


These were the normal fillings however the winner for me was the bread; it was so light and fluffy and reminded me of normal bread!


The scone was fantastic and passed my scone test with flying colours; it was easy to cut into, it didn’t my tooth and it was extremely yummy!  My only issue was the cream; it wasn’t clotted which was slightly disappointing.

teapots olney buckinghamshire gluten free afternoon tea scones vintage tea rooms


Teapots pride themselves on using recipes from classic British recipe books like Mrs Beetons and the Bero Book.

The vintage cake stand included a Victoria sponge and chocolate cake which were both scrummy and disappeared very quickly into my tummy!

As a cute addition, fresh strawberries from a local farm were provided at the end of the Afternoon Tea.

teapots olney gluten free afternoon tea buckinghamshire vintage tearooms

Below is a photo of the normal gluten loaded Afternoon Tea which offers the same items as the Gluten Free Afternoon tea.

teapots olney buckinghamshire afternoon tea sandwiches cakes vintage tea shop


As usual I went for a light tea and choose a Silver Needles which I find extremely refreshing on a hot summers day or whenever you eat Afternoon Tea.  I loved that we were given a really large pot of tea!

teapots olney buckinghamshire interior vintage tearoom afternoon tea


If you love quirky vintage tea rooms then you are going to love Teapots.  The tearooms weren’t that busy when we first arrived so I had a chance to look over the gorgeous displays.

teapots olney vintage tearooms afternoon tea buckinghamshire


The service was spot on and we were looked after extremely well.

Would I go back – yes!  Teapots is less than a 30 minute drive from our house so we will definitely be gracing Teapots with our presence again sometime in the future!

I made our booking via Twitter (twitter account @teapotsolney) and was lucky enough to grab their Afternoon Tea deal of 2 for £20 which is a bargain.


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