Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


December 29, 2012

Christmas at The Connaught in Mayfair, London

For the past two years G has being wishing to stay at The Connaught in Mayfair over the festive period. 

Like many hotels in London, The Connaught offers a Christmas holiday package which includes Afternoon Tea on the day of arrival, Breakfast on Christmas Day, a horse drawn carriage ride through Mayfair, Christmas Lunch and Breakfast on Boxing Day to build up your energy levels so that you could hit the Boxing Day sales.

About six weeks ago, G’s folks decided to book themselves onto a Christmas Cruise of the Mediterranean.  G’s first thought was – who was going to cook him Christmas dinner and his second thought was cool – I am going to book The Connaught.  I did offer to cook us Christmas Lunch but this was met with a look of “over my dead body!”

G was working on Christmas Eve morning, so I took the opportunity to have my hair cut (my new hair dresser has managed to cut my fringe crooked, grr – can’t wait for my old hair dresser to return from maternity leave) and popped onto the train into London for some Christmas shopping that ended up turning into selfish flavoured Christmas shopping which is the best kind!

G finally arrived in London in the afternoon with our bag and as I waited for G to check us into the Junior suite which he had booked, he informed me that we had being upgraded.  My goodness and had we been upgraded!  Yes to the stunningly beautiful Connaught Suite on the 1st floor.  It was a breath taking room and all the staff commented on how this was their favourite room in the hotel. 

We had a booking for 5.30pm sitting for Afternoon Tea in the Espelette which if you have read my previous post was a disaster.  Not the best way to start off the festive period in a hotel that you are going to be stuck inside for the next 36 hours alas it did get a lot better. 
+Lisa H – photo of my Afternoon tea footwear just for you

Christmas Morning was spent in the steam room then in the pool (recommend pool then steam room, otherwise you freeze!) and then headed back to the Espelette for breakfast where I was very happy to get Gluten Free Pancakes and fruit – yum!  This was my breakfast choice for the next two mornings.

G had then booked us in for an 11am ride through Mayfair on a horse drawn carriage.  Unfortunately the weather was slightly disappointing so it meant that the top was up however it was nice and snugly inside the carriage with hot chocolate and marshmallows.  Mayfair was beautiful on Christmas morning with just a few people wandering around enjoying the sights – G managed to spot a scarf that he liked in a shop window on the ride.  And he thinks I have a shopping addiction!

As G had booked lunch for 4pm we popped back up to our very luxurious suite where we had a conversation with the Butler who was refilling our ice bucket etc who was extremely lovely and you do come to realise that there was a large number of staff who are working on Christmas Day and not spending it with their loved ones.  This gentleman was from Albania and his wife was videoing his daughters opening their presents while he was working.  It makes you appreciate the staff so much more.

+Lisa H – my Christmas Day footwear, had to go for comfortable as was suffering from a cold and didn’t feel very well.

We ended up watching Ted (Isn’t this the funniest movie!) and a few other movies before lunch along with reading the numerous magazines available in the suite.

Our late lunch was lovely and apparently my gluten free dessert was better than G’s.

I did get food envy looking at G’s bread though and his pastry in the second course!

G’s Lunch

My Gluten Free Lunch

G had another surprise which was an hour body massage in the Aman spa on Boxing Day which was amazing however extremely painful!  One word – knots! (ouch was an understatement) and yes I am a horrible big baby that squeals in pain.
We left The Connaught on Boxing Day evening and headed to St. Pancras station to catch the train home only to realise once we go to the train station that our train company wasn’t working on Boxing Day (Oops) so we had to find a hotel which had a room available close to the station; lucky for us the Holiday Inn was available.  How the mighty had fallen!  From the Connaught Suite at The Connaught to an Executive Suite at the Holiday Inn in Kings Cross.  G and I had numerous giggles and the moral of the story was – to always check that your train company operates on Boxing Day!

Thank you to all the staff working at The Connaught over Christmas and once again it’s a truly incredible place to rest your head.


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