August 7, 2014

My New Wheels

Last week I made a little purchase; a car!  After years of commuting on a train into London and basically owning at least one train carriage by now I decided it was time to get my own set of wheels – for two reasons.

1. So that I can do more day trips exploring England (and I suppose I needed a set of wheels to get to work as I’m no longer based in the big smoke)

2. I needed to have my own little bubble so that I can sing along to Katy Perry very very loudly and off key!

So without further ado here is the new car;  my little Fiat 500 hiding in the Derbyshire countryside.

80 pairs of shoes my new wheels

Ok here is a close up; my sister has named the car the Smurf Mobile and I love it!

80 pairs of shoes my new wheels 1


So my first weekend with the Smurf Mobile, Emma and I aka the Smurfettes went for a drive up to Yorkshire via Derbyshire for a Bakewell Pudding, to see a Crooked Spire and finally to eat cake at Betty’s in York.  More on that later however here are a few photos of our adventure including my new shoes in a field with sheep poo.  Just click right here to read more about our adventure to Derbyshire and Yorkshire.

80 pairs of shoes my new wheels 2


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