Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


May 14, 2015

Exploring North Norfolk: Wells Next The Sea and Sandringham Estate

Sea air is good for the soul; it blows away the cobwebs and helps you to make sense of everything going on around you.  On Saturday I was all set to visit Sandringham Estate in Norfolk but decided to also visit the pretty seaside North Norfolk town of Wells Next The Sea as I wanted to see the pretty cheerful beach huts.


I’ve ventured to both Wells Next The Sea and Sandringham Estate many many years ago but decided to revisit and I was surprised to see how much prettier Wells Next The Sea was looking…maybe because my last visit was in the deepest darkest winter but I think she may also have had a little nip and tuck.


The town is one of the sweetest places I’ve visited, dotted with cute little shops selling artwork, clothes and lollies…I like towns selling lollies.


Unfortunately the tide was out however I think it made it even more pretty…it was so cute watching the kids digging up treasures on the beach.


The boats reminded me slightly of the cute ones found in Malta…


…one more pic of the boats!


As I arrived around lunch time I did what most people would do…I tried to order fish and chips but alas I couldn’t find anyone selling a gluten free version…so I took a chance and just ordered some chips….£1 well spent…


…and definitely lunch with a million dollar view…there is something pretty grand about eating chips on a park bench while watching the world go by.


Needing some exercise after scoffing all those hot chippies…I believed the lady in the tourist office whom said the beach huts were only a mile away in that direction….I’m pretty sure it was more than a mile…(there’s a car park close to the beach huts, you don’t need to walk there…she never told me this!) but I think it’s safe to say they were worth the mile walk in the blazing sunshine…


…and I won’t spam you with the million and one photos I took of the cute little colourful beach huts at Wells Next The Sea!


Needing to pick up a drink, I popped into the cafe located by the beach car park…there were a few prepackaged gluten free options but no home made cake…I think this sign sums me up perfectly – what do you think?!


I couldn’t leave without getting a few beach shoevenirs!


Leaving the fresh sea air behind, I drove for about 30 minutes to Sandringham Estate through some rather pretty villages…honestly there are so many cute places to discover in Norfolk that I need to return for a weekend break just to do a mini tiki tour around the little villages.

My first stop was the tea rooms at Sandringham Estate…I needed tea…I think I’ve lived in England wayyyyyyy to long!  Honestly the Gluten Free Lemon and Elderflower Drizzle Cake is amazing…order a piece…I may have taken two slices home with me as well as eating this slice…I did share one slice with G for dessert or maybe it was dinner…cake is perfectly acceptable as dinner in your 30’s.


Buying my ticket so I could enter the church, museum, garden and house at Sandringham Estate (costing £13.50), I was informed by the lovely lady on the gate that the church would be closing early so it would be best to visit there first.  Possibly one of the most famous churches in the world at Christmas time thanks to the Queen attending her Christmas service here in Norfolk (obviously the most famous one is this one!).  It looks so unassuming from the outside….


…and then boom, the interior is fit for a Queen…


…I may have tested out a few seats so I could say my bottom has touched the Queen’s bottom…or cheeky Prince Phillips…I love Phillip and his outrageous remarks…he would be a great dinner guest don’t you think!


Next up was visiting the House which is where most of the Royal Family spends Christmas and most of the winter months…it’s a pretty stunning house!


I had a few outtakes to get this pic…I mean why would you plant a tree right there…


…and then these two!


The house tour is pretty short however there is a pretty informative museum with gifts that the Queen has received from other countries (some of the gifts would go straight to the Pool Room!) and there are number of posh old cars if you’re that way inclined.

Walking around the lake and the gardens is a must on a beautiful sunny day…


…but I just loved looking at the house and all it’s pretty shapes!


As much as I think London is incredible; there are just so many amazing places to visit outside the capital. Buy a train ticket or hire a car and get out there and explore all the cute nooks and crannies that England has to offer.

England you do keep surprising me!


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