Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes


October 17, 2014

High Tea at The Langham AucklandWorld 25th Anniversary

‘You can never have enough shoes and handbags’…in raspberry!

So reads the menu for the Langham Auckland high tea celebrating the 25th Anniversary of iconic Kiwi fashion house WORLD. Throughout October fashion meets food in this Tiffin High Tea at The Langham Auckland.


Now I have not so much a sweet tooth as an entire sweet mouth but I decided to start from the bottom of our overflowing stand on the colourful savouries. With beetroot macaroons with goat cheese, spinach profiteroles there are a profusion of colours and flavours but for the two of us the standout was the leek tart which we could have spent the rest of the afternoon eating.



With truly cute names from Hambag sandwich and ‘Yellow is the new black’ egg sandwich and sandwiches in the shape of dresses and shoes how could one resist. May favourite though was the traditional cucumber sandwich with a lemon cream cheese twist.



The final plate on our stand was the gorgeous pastries, where to start? From raspberry shoes and handbags, WORLD yoghurt and chocolate delice and a strawberry cake with champagne diamonds to a Mojito cocktail shot and a Salted toffee mousse with Florentine crunch the options seemed endless. Sugar overload! but brilliant.



Now about half way through afternoon tea I realised we didn’t have any scones. Afternoon tea without scones? Well not to worry shortly after they were brought out, the reason they were lacking with a distinct lack of space on the tea stand which was overflowing already.


We had two kinds of scones, plain or cherry and they were accompanied by clotted cream, strawberry and champagne jam, elderflower and lemon marmalade and rhubarb and ginger jam. The scones were lovely and the strawberry and champagne jam was my favourite accompaniment. After finishing our scones we were offered a selection of other cakes but had to decline on account of the increasing size of our waists.


Langham Auckland has a selection of ‘Langham Teas’, four bespoke teas that have been blended specifically for them and are available at any Langham around the globe. I’m not much of a tea drinker (except for at Hammam Andalusi in Jerez) so I went for a signature blend, Palm Court Exotic Blend, because it was had a pretty pink hue. My mum chose the signature English Flower Blend as it included heather flowers and she could not stop going on throughout our afternoon tea about just how much she loved it.



This particular afternoon tea is held in the Palm Court, a lovely open area with stunning chandaleirs and soft comfy chairs. We attended the 1st sitting of the day but I would recommend booking for the 2nd sitting between 2.30-4.30pm as this sitting will include a fashion show of the latest spring collection from WORLD and a limited edition WORLD gift.


Would I recommend?  Yes I would – High Tea at The Langham Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand starts at NZD$49 pp (Monday to Friday) and NZD$54pp (Saturday and Sunday).

You can book your yummy afternoon tea by clicking right here and for all the Kiwi’s in the UK thinking what to get family and friends in New Zealand for Christmas; look no further as The Langham do Afternoon Tea vouchers – bringing a quintessentially English tradition to Auckland!

Disclaimer: we were provided with a complimentary afternoon tea for review purposes however we are opinionated little kiwis and are honest in our reviews


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